Chapter 19

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*Hermione POV*

I couldn't believe it, Draco was cheating on me!? He said he loved me, I guess that was probably one of the many things he has lied to me, I thought bitterly. He was probably going to come after me, trying to explain. I knew he had seen me seen him kiss Astoria. We were engaged, not only by the law but willingly. We loved each other, or at least that's what I thought.

I ran back to the flat we shared and began to cry. I locked myself in our bedroom with a charm so strong not even McGonagall could get in. All of a sudden, a beautiful snowy owl flew in my window. My first thought was that I had received a letter from Harry, from Hedwig, but then I remembered.

The letter had a ministry seal on it. I opened it with shaking fingers while the owl perched on or windowsill. I heard knocking on the door, presumably Draco, but I didn't open it. There were tears streaming down my face, for my eyes were focused on the letter from the ministry.

Ms. Granger,

We regret to inform you that your birth parents renamed 'Wendell and Monica Wilkins' and the twins they have recently adopted have been discovered deceased in their home in Sydney, Australia. There were no traces of violence which leads us to believe this was the work of the killing curse. We have still not caught the person who did it, but we believe, as of now, that it was Mr. Nott and Mr. Zabini, having been the only Deatheaters not in Azkaban, as far as we know. I am very sorry for your loss and hope your grieving will not last long.

Regretfully yours, Kingsley Shaklebolt, Minister of Magic

I couldn't believe it. How I had obliviated to keep them safe. How I hadn't changed their memories so they could be happy with their new children. It was all for nothing. I was alone. Since I was weak now, my charm dropped, and Draco came barging in.

*Draco POV*

I felt the door handle finally move, and I ran into the room. My poor Hermione's face was tomato red, and there were tears all over her face, some still running from her eyes. I had hurt her this much?! Really!? Stupid Astoria. Always ruining everything. She and her sister were always meddling where they weren't supposed to.

"I'm really sorry Hermione, it really isn't what you think. I love you so much, you are my whole world. I can't lose you, please." I sat down next to her on the bed, and she leaned into me. She was holding the letter. I didn't want to intrude her privacy, so I didn't look at it, but she forced it into my hand.

"R-read this." I read it, oh no. On the upside, she wasn't this upset, with me. On the downside, everything else. Her parents had died, her adoptive siblings had died, and on top of everything else, she thought I was cheating on her.

"I promise she forced herself on me, she means nothing to me, you are my everything and I love you, and only you. I am so sorry."

"I believe you Draco, but when I saw her kissing you, something inside me snapped, I'm sick of people taking everything from me, you are all I have left, please stay with me."

We hugged, and it lasted forever.

*Pansy POV (three days later)*

I was getting married to Ronald Weasley, today. Me. Him. What. The. Hell. I was wearing my beautiful dress and Ginny was wearing hers. We had decided on a joint wedding since our fiancees were best friends.

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