Chapter 7

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*Hermione POV*

When we got back to our house, Draco was clearly dying to tell me something. "What happened, Draco?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned. I chuckled.

"It's obvious you really want to tell me something, so what is it?"

I thought it was kind of cute how he was embarrassed. He started to talk, but it was so quiet I couldn't hear it.

"Draco, I can't hear a word you're saying." He spoke louder,

"Fine, since we're going to be a family and all, I wanted something that brings us together." I smiled, he was taking the first step. He pulled something from behind his back. 

"This is Crystal," he said. In the cage, I saw the cutest baby snowy owl I have ever seen in my life.

"She's so cute, can I hold her?"

"Yes but be very careful, she's blind, so you have to be gentle." He passed the tiny baby over to my hands.

"I think this is very sweet, Draco."

"I know isn't she?"

"That's not what I meant, I mean she is, but I meant that it's sweet that you are trying to make this relationship work." Draco grinned, embarrassed. We both watched as Crystal flew slowly, carefully around the room with her tiny wings. Then, we fed her, just like a family.

*Draco POV*

I am so glad Hermione liked Crystal. The next morning, I woke up early and left for the Great Hall. Weasel and Pansy were already there. They were snogging.

"Oy, what are you two doing?"

"Guess what? The Minister said as soon as we have two children, we can get a divorce!"

Wait what? Did Hermione know this, did she want a divorce when this was all over? I wouldn't mention it to her for now, she'll fall for me eventually, they all do. But she isn't like all the other girls, that's what I like about her.


"Yes, Hooray," they said in unison.

"I still hate you Weasel."

"Right back at you ferret."

"So you're..."

"Yup, we started trying last night," Pansy said proudly.

"That is super gross, and I have now lost my appetite." I started to leave the Great Hall, I turned back. "Oh and Weasel?"

He looked up with a mouth full of bacon. Pansy looked disgusted, but she always did what she had to do. 

"Touch Hermione again and I will kill you." He paled considerably. I smirked and Pansy laughed.

Honestly, I pitied the both of them. Pansy was my friend but living with her would be intolerable and I hate Weasel with all my being. 

I left to go find Hermione, presumably in the library. 

*Mystery POV*

I am in Azkaban. 

The only news I ever get is when the Azkaban guards deliver me the Daily Prophet, or sometimes when they decided to make fun of me by bringing me the Quibbler. Like I would actually read that rubbish written by that fool, Xenophilius. 

I had no idea of the terrible things my family was doing, until now. 

When I saw the front page, the headline of the newspaper, I gasped. I had to get out, I had to get out now, I had to stop this nonsense with mudbloods once and for all.

 I had to get out, I had to get out now, I had to stop this nonsense with mudbloods once and for all

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A guard opened my cell with a complex flick of his wand and a muttered incantation. I quickly readied myself. I started to cry. The guard looked very uncomfortable. I knew he would.

"Dinner is served," he stated quickly, then he left presumably to tell the head guard I was crying. I knew what I was doing. This was not my first escape attempt.

I slowly ate whatever gross mush they fed us. I used to think that since my master was dead, I had nothing left to live for in this world full of fools, but for now, I had to stop my nephew from making a huge mistake.

The top guard entered my cell with quiet authority. I laughed inside my head, he thought he could intimidate me? Me, who was the Dark Lord's most devoted servant. On the outside, I cried. I cried and I cried.

"I have seen the error of my ways, please I'll do anything," I begged. I did not care that I was being humiliated, I needed to get out and this is my ticket.

"A monster like you could never change."

"But I have,  I swear." I had my fingers crossed. "I'll give you names, I can land at least 10 other Death Eaters in here, please!"

"I'll get you a trial with the Minister, but please know, if it was up to me, I'd leave you to rot here forever." Then it's a good thing it's not up to you, I thought.

"Good to know."

"Don't start with me." I looked up as innocently as I could, which wasn't very innocent looking. Oh well, I had a lot of names, it should at least get me on parole, I hoped. He left me alone with my thoughts.

Would my plan work? It had to, I couldn't have my nephew marrying a mudblood, determining our family's blood status from pureblood, into blood traitor, and I couldn't have that. The Blacks and the Malfoys have long since been determined as one of the purest families around, and I intended to keep it that way.

Once I am out, I'd find a way to get away from my parole officer. I would torture and murder that mudblood and she would regret ever being anywhere near him. She would wish she was dead, and then she would be.

A/N So I made this chapter so that this story wouldn't just be all about Draco and Hermione's love life. Who's POV do you think that was? Please let me know in the comments. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment!






Word Count: 990

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