Prompt #1? I don't know its pretty cool though I guess

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"Books aren't real. They don't turn real in any sort of alternate reality. You're not in the story, because the story is not real. You wouldn't begin to understand the feeling of dying and experiencing resurrection, or the one strike that it takes to obtain supernatural abilities, or that spark that literally flies with a complete stranger at the final tick of a timer, or the entire world coming down around you in despair and flames. This is where it ends, the wall. You're in no position to judge why the villain chose the dark side over the light, or who the king chose as his queen, or which fan favorite is killed off by the author, because it's not real. You're decision doesn't do anything except make you question everything. And you asking questions is the reason why I am here. To make people stop asking questions and just move on."

"I understand they aren't real. But I'd wish they were if my naïve wish wouldn't come with such unpleasant consequences."

"You'll see those consequences come to life soon enough. Soon you'll wish you were a fairytale. Soon you'll beg to not be real."

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