Order of the Pheonix

Start from the beginning

Harry and I had to write the same setence. Before I could punch Umbitch I walked out with Harry right at my heals. "Come with me" I said with a clenched jaw. When we arived at the Slytherin dungeons I quickly went in to grab pain potions.

I came out and I saw Draco teasing Harry with wands drawn. "Thats enough ferret" I said startling the two boys. Draco just grimanced as he entered the common room. "Here drink this, it's a pain potion so the cut wont hurt" I said giving harry a small vial. I drank mine and instently felt ralief.

Harry drank his and handed me the vial. We walked to the black lake and sat down under the trees next to Eadlyn, Ron, and Hermione. "How was detention" Hermione asked sympitheticly. "Well I must not tell lies... It was complete torture" I said Moody showing them my left hand with the words carved into It.

"She had us use 'blood quills' to write lines, and thes lines were carved I'm to our hands" Harry said showing his identical carved hand. Hermione gasped while Ron looked like he was going to be sick. "Thats barbaric" Hermione said outraged. "On the bright side you guys have matching couple 'tattoos'" Eadlyn said jokingly.

"Ha, and I guess making me write 'I must not tell lies' is her way of saying that calling her birth a tragic accident is a lie" I said smirking. Ron just laughed at Eadlyn and mines comment. We sat quietly staring out at the black lake. "You know what, if we cant learn how to fight than we should start a club to actually learn DADA" I thought alowed.

"You mean like a secret class to teach a few wanting people how to defend themselves against the upcoming war" Ron said likeing my ideas. "Yes that's a briliant idea, but who would lead/teach us" Hermione said at my nod. "I know how bout you Harry, you would be a great teacher" Eadlyn said loving the thought.

"Why me, I'm nothing special" Harry said looking like a lost puppy. "Cause you have faught Dragons, Basalisk's, dementors, and quite frankly are the only one who can teach us a patronuse charm and be a true leader" Edalyn explained. "Yes but ive gotten help with everything, I would be no hero if it wernt for you guys" Harry said.

"Harry you survived a killing curse at age one, you have more experience with defence against the dark arts than all of us combined" I said softly. "Fine but if evryone else elects a new teacher during our first meeting than I'm no longer teacher" Harry said defeated.


The first meeting was in the Hogshead. It went well, we enrolled 7 Gryffindor's, 5 Ravenclaw's (excluding Luna), and 4 Hufflepuff's. (Encluding Cedric) The only Slytherins we had was Eadlyn and I. We ofically elected Harry as our teacher/leader. We used fake galions with a charm to distribute dates and times for meeting.

One day we were learning patronus' in the room of requirements. When I finally made a full body patronuss I produced an Otter. "Great job Lilly" Harry said proud of me. "Thanks" I said smiling. Later on after the meeting I stayed back to help Harry clean up. "Hay Harry" I called out. "Hmm" Harry said walking over to me.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to know what Memory I used that allowed me to make a proper patronuss" I said innocently. "Ya, sure what Memory" Harry said kindly almost intrigued. "The memory of our first kiss" I said my hair turning rose colored. Harry blushed and smiled.


Cristmass rolled around and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Eadlyn, and I were spending it with the Wealsys and the Order at Grimwald place. It was fun and the christmas party was as merry as it could be.

Few weeks later...

Well the wall right out side of the great hall is now coverx completely in decrees and rules. And on Fred and Georges 'last day of school' they pulled a firework prank that I had personaly helped them with. And it was the best watching all of Umbridge's Degrees getting exploded as she was chased by a firecracker dragon.

Hagrid told, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Eadlyn, and I about his half brother Grawp. Umbidge started an inquristal squad. And Umbridge took over Hogwarts. She evaluated all the teachers and tried to Fire Tralawny.

The entire Dumbledore's Army is now facing weeks of detention and that blood quill. I remember when Dumbledores army was caught and McGonigall came to our defense and I could of sworn I heard her say to peves, "It unscrews the other way peves" alowing Peves to almost mame Umbridge.

The centaurs couldnt take umbitch fast enough. Harry, Hermione, amd I lead Umbridge into the forest hoping Grawp would get rid of her but the centaurs came along. Umbridge insulted them and they took her away
Saddly at the end of the year Umbridge was returned and sent back to the ministry.

I still remember when she told Harry to tell the centaurs she means no harm. It took all my effort not to laugh when Harry said "sorry I must not tell lies" and showed the scar Umbridge had carved into his hand by the blood quill.


"Harry are you ok" I said worried. "Sirius, he is in trouble, Voldimort has him there in the department of secrets at the ministry of magic" Harry said worieldy. "How do you know Voldimort dosent, want you to see that just so you will come to him" Hermione said reasonably. "How do we get there than" Harry said. "We Fly of course" Luna said airly.

Luna brought us to a clearing with Theastralls roaming. "These are the things that pull the Hogwarts cariges" I said an aw. "Yes, yes they are" Luna said happily. "Is it odd that I can't see them" Eadlyn asked. "don't worry your just as sane as I am" Luna said to Eadlyn.

Ron snikerd at the comment. "Wait how come you three can see them and we can't" Eadlyn asked to Luna, Harry, and I. (Hermione, Ron, Nevil, and Eadlyn are the others) "well I watched an old family friend die when we were having a Quditch day at Dumbledor Manor" I said glumly.

"I watched my Mum die when an experimenting spell went horribly wrong" Luna said softly. "Well I just watched Cedric 'die' " Harry said. We all remembered Eadlyn's magic healing powers that brought Cedric back to life last year after the try wizard tournament.

We flew acros London to the ministry of magic, two to a Theastral. Luna and Eadlyn shared one, Ron and Hermione shared one, than Nevil got his own while Harry and I shared one. I Wraped my arms around Harry as we flew since he was sitting in the front.

We landed and instently made our way to the Department of mysteries.  Death eaters surounded us shortly and we did our best to protect the profacy and ourselves till the order arived. Harry listened to the profacy before breaking it and he wouldnt tell anyone what it said.

The second I saw Sirius I was worried. Sirius couldnt stay here, he could get killed or caught. Sirius colected the whole Dumbledore's army encluding Eadlyn and I and aperated us out of ths ministry right to Grimwald place.

Leaving everyone behind to battle off the death eaters. protecting us 'kids' was his job I guess. When everyone returned to Grimwald place alive and in one peace I raleived a breath that I didnt relize I was holding.

I was clinging to Harrys side while he just wraped an arm around my waist. Good no casualties. My dad told us back at Grimwald place that he had a run in with Voldemort on the way out of the ministry and they faught before Voldemort escaped.


I gave harry a big hug and kiss on the lips as I said good buy for the summer at kings cross station platform 9 3/4. "I promise that I will make sure your brought away from the Dursleys as soon as possible" I said giving Harry one last hug. Ron and Hermione said there good buys while I talked with Eadlyn.

By time everyone left Eadlyn and I finished talking. "See you some time over Summer" I said giving Eadlyn a hug. "Same here, buy" Eadlyn said smiling returning the hug. I disaprated with my Mum to Dumbledore Manor. Hopefully my dad will be home for a bit during the summer.


I um, really sorry this update took so long, I had writers block and well you know how that goes. Year five is over saddly, its just one of those years I have a hard time writing alot  about.

Anyways thanks for reading so far, vote, comment, read my other works, and fallow me!!!

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