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"h-hey guys? can w-we watch a movie?"
"yeah," richie chimed in. "can we, stanley?" stopped dancing and looked at stan with puppy-dog eyes and bill's heart melted.
"yeah, of course." stanley replied.
"ooo! can we watch batman?" ben asked eagerly as he hopped off the couch.
"oh hell no, spider-man is so much better!" eddie argued.
"jesus fuck," mike said collapsing into a heap on the floor. "let's not watch a superhero movie? please."
"yeah i-i agree with m-mike."
"me too." bill watched as richie snuck a glance at bill, smiling warmly.
"how about war games," stan suggested. "we have that on vhs."
there were a collection of "yeahs!" and "i love that movies!"
"how about we watch porn instead?" richie suggested with a smirk. the group fell silent and looked around. "guys, guys! i was joking!" richie sighed. "god you people are such freaks."

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