"Fuck you, Tracii, just fuck you! I'm not playing a single song with you anymore you fucktard!" I scream at him as I make my way out of the Rainbow.

Izzy steps out and lights a cigarette, squinting at the lights.

"We are minus a lead guitar player now, you realise that, don't you?" He says, passing a hand through his greasy locks.

"No shit, sherlock. " I puff away.

"Do you have someone in mind?" He asks.

"Do you?" I ask, looking at him.

"I might. But I will need your help if I'm to convince him."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll talk to Slash tomorrow. See if he wants to come around my place to jam and hang around a bit."

I try not to give away my trembling hands.

"Do as you please. Last time I've worked with him, it didn't end well."

He pulls by my side. So close I can smell his Old Spice, sweat and stale cigarettes from his beat jeans jacket.

"There's were you play your part. " He purrs on my ear. "I'm sure if you turn up, you'll find a way to keep him interested. "

I look at him. A harsh, deep look.

"Are you pimping me out, Izz?"

"Don't be stupid. I'm just asking you to be nice. I know you like the way he plays." He breathes in my ear. "I know he likes you."

"And you, Izzy? Do you like me?" I ask, putting my arms around his neck.

He looks at me, pauses on my month for what it seemed an eternity.

"How could anyone not like you, Axl?" He whispers close to my mouth, so close they almost touch.

Just them, the door opened, and a bunch of people comes out, including Duff, that walked straight to us.

I don't say anything and just turn on my heels to leave. We live at the same block, but I'm in no mood to tag along.

I go home in a fury, kicking everything on my way. To make matters worst it's raining, and in two days time I'm due rent.

I spend the next day cleaning and washing. Call me a freak, but it's good to have your hands busy in order to think. My shithole of an apartment didn't have much to clean. But when you never clean and never wash, when you do is kinda liberating. Like you still have a shred of dignity in you.

I washed all my clothes with a bucket in the shower, cold water and  Zote. Try that and see if you can do better.

I hanged them on a line that ran all across my apartment and decided it was time to shower and go the two flights down to Duffs place and see if Izzy could convince Slash to jam with us.

I puff on my cigarette when I hear the guitars. They compliment each other perfectly, Izzys laid back playing fitting in harmony with Slashs more bluesy licks.

They played for a while, and I helped Duff with our ramen, eggs and frozen vegetables dinner. He even had a few bottles of wine, courtesy of the hookers that lived two doors from me.

We all ate and drank with gusto, meals are a rare luxury for us right now. Save for the odd hot dog or bean burrito, crisps and bar peanuts were highly on our colective menu, unless some of us could scrape for a home cooked meal. At least Duff could get day old pastries and bagels were he worked, so we didn't starve to death.

Between mouthfuls we talked about the music scene.

"We are wondering if you'd like, you know, come and play with us, see how it work out between us." Izzy said, gulping his wine.

Slash looked at me from under his ringlets.

"What about Tracii?" He asked.

"We fired him." Duff said, belching. "Don't fit with us. Don't have our attitudes. "

"With us is all or nothing. We will succeed,  no matter what." Izzy said, lightening a cigarette.

"I'll think about it." Slash said, smoking. "I like the drive you guys have. But I don't like your drummer much."

"I have a feeling you won't have to worry too much about him. He's a pussy. " Duff puffed, his eyes narrow behind the smoke.

Izzy is looking intensely at me. I know I have to make a move, say something, but I'm kind of paralysed.

"Duff and I will shut shop for the night." Izzy said, giving me a smirk.

"Uh, I should be going. I'm sleeping on the back of Tower, I should slip in before its too late." Slash said, grabbing his guitar.

"I live above." I say. "You can crash, you know."

"Uh, thanks, but I don't want to cause trouble."

"At least come for a drink."

God how I hate Izzy right now. I sound almost desperate and I curse myself for it.

"A drink will be OK. " Slash says, but he doesn't smile. For him it's maybe just that. One last drink for the night.

Izzy shuts the door calmly, a small twisted smile on his face, his eyes icy on me.

I lead Slash through the narrow steps to my one room abode, and collect the drying clothes quickly. Slash sits on the treadbare rug.

I fish a fifth of whiskey from a draw and hand it to him. He uncapps and drink slowly, while a prepare a joint.

"Do you want me in the band?" He asks point blank.

"I do." I say, licking the paper, my heart racing.

He takes the joint and passes me the bottle. We are both sitting on the rug now, our knees almost touching.

"But you must want to be with us. To work songs with Izzy, work with him." I say, giving a good chug.

"I don't have a problem working with Izzy." He says, spirals of sweet scented smoke around him.

"Good to know." I chuckle.

"My problem is working with you."

"With me? We worked on tower together! " I say, shaking my head.

"Yes. But making music is other business altogether. " He passes the joint to me.

I sit by his side. "It's more intimate, yes."

"No shit." He chuckles bitterly.

I grab his hair with force and he winces. "But that's how you like uh? Intimacy. With me."

I pull his body halfway up the bed.

"You." I start unbuttoning his pants, "you like me touching you." I shove my hands into it, and his prick hardens on my hand. I pump him slowly. "You like this. You like me." I whisper on the back of his head, massaging his butthole with my other hand.

He moans, eyes closed.

"Come play with me, Slash." I ask, twisting to kiss him.

He shudders. "Yeah, yeah." Is his breathy whisper.

He comes in my hand with a cry.

I feel so bad I'm not even hard.


Thank you all for reading!

What do think is happening? There's a clear power emerging in the group. What will  happen now Slash is on the frame?

Please tell me what are you thinking!

Next... The Hell Tour and a new band mate! ♡♡♡

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