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I was paranoid, ever since Will told me Blake was cheating on me. I tried not to show it, but it seeped out whether I wanted it to or not. Whenever Blake blocked me out, it was as if sometimes there was a pressure. What could the pressure be?

Will had to be lying, I kept telling myself. Blake was so sweet. He acted innocent, childlike in a lot of his mannerisms. He was always soft spoken and quiet. Most importantly, he listened to me when I talked and took me seriously. There's no way someone like that could have been cheating on me. So I continued seeing him.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, in between kisses on my neck.

"Yeah, I just thought Cam or Andre called my name." I said, referring to the two members of the new band that weren't complete asshats.

"I didn't hear anything." Blake said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "We can stop if you're nervous."

"No." I said, putting his hand on my side and bringing his face closer to mine. I stared into his golden brown eyes, willing myself to trust him. Every time I was around him it was as if the world became a bit more vibrant. I was completely infatuated with him. Someone this good could not possibly be interested in a girl like me. Yet there he was, kissing my neck. He was such a terrific kisser.

Don't stop.


I knew I was dreaming, but of all places I could be dreaming about, I was dreaming about school, like I didn't get enough of it throughout the day. It was lunchtime, and I was sitting on the edge of the table. It was Casey, Alice, Laura H., Nick, and my friend from first period, Jacob.

"I was talking to James again last night." Casey said, bubbling. "He was telling me about being in the studio and wanting to work on a new album, and then out of nowhere he kissed me. Or at least it felt like he did. I was feeling pressure on my face."

"Aww." Alice said and smiled.

"He said he liked me for a while now." Casey gushed.

"Who's this Blake character?" Jacob said, drinking his carton of chocolate milk. "He sounds like an idiot."

"He's not. Well, maybe a little. He's my almost boyfriend." Casey said proudly.

I woke up, pissed off as if I had actually been sitting in the lunchroom. It was just a dream, granted. He was probably innocent, but she was someone we both knew. If he was cheating with someone we both knew, there would be no other option but her. I just had to go with my gut instinct on this one. I looked in on what Will was doing. He was sitting in his bedroom, strumming on his guitar with a notebook on the windowsill. I would have to ask about what he was writing later.

Is he cheating with Casey? I asked Will.

Talk to Casey. Will said in response. I thought about confronting Will, but if he was he would just lie about it anyways. Talking to Casey was my only real option.

I had so many questions for Casey. Did she know about me? I was starting to feel myself flushing. Casey rode the same bus as Alice, so she would be the last bus to arrive.

"Hey." Amber said, walking up to me.

"He cheated. Or at least I think he might be cheating. I don't know." I said.

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