Chapter 2 - He's Done It AGAIN!

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Chief officer Dolton’s POV

Pulling up to the drive way of the remote house I saw one of my officers being violently sick onto the grass. I knew instantly at that moment that it was Gerard Way, without a doubt. Stepping out of my car I was approached by Officer Scott and Officer Miller.

“Sir this is a gristly one,” Officer Miller stated.

“It was him wasn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes it was,” she replied.

“How many victims?” I sighed.

“Three, adult male, adult female and a… a male child aged six,” Officer Scott.

“CoD?” I asked.

“Eh both adults were stabbed several times and the child…” he cut off.

“Is the reason why Officer Ferguson is vomiting,” I finished for him.

I walked up the steps towards the three story house and just before I entered Officer Miller called telling me that it happened on the second floor. I was met by medical criminologist Mark Green when I appeared on the landing of the second floor. His face was paler than usual and he greeted me with a nod. Nodding back he led me to the scene of the crime; in all my years I had never seen anything so violent and psychotic. The adults were sprain across the cream-now red carpet just inside the room and the boy had been covered by a sheet and was just outside of a large cupboard.

“Everyone’s been jumping to conclusions that it was the Way boy, do we have any actual evidence?” I asked walking towards the sheet.

“Eh yes the bathroom is full of his blood and when you see the boys body you’ll have no doubt,” Mark coughed.

“His own blood was he wounded by one of them?” I asked with the slight hope it would make him easier to catch.

“I don’t believe so, there is no blood of anyone else in the bathroom, we believe it was self inflicted. The all day news channel was left on the TV; eh they announced that it’s unlikely for his brother to ever wake up. He may blame himself. In his statement he did say that his brother jumped on him protecting his head when he was being attacked.” he said raising an eyebrow, obviously sensing my hope.

“And the boys body?” I stated.

“Best you take a look for yourself,” he said pointing at the sheet.

Holding my breath I lifted back the sheet; the sight of the open eyed child made my stomach lurch. The sheer amount of pain the boy must have suffered was unimaginable; pure terror was still visible on his face and for me the sight just proved the fact that Gerard was mentally unstable.

“As you can see he’s named his next victim,” Mark said pointing at ‘Ryan’ which had been engraved into the boy’s chest.

Mark turned the body over and the words ‘you’re next’ were clearly visible. I could feel my temperature rising and my throat closing up on me.

“Okay this… I need to have a meeting with Gerard’s mother and Ryan and his parents in half an hour,” I stammered.

“Are you sure that’s wise? Ryan put one Mrs Ways sons in a coma and made the other a psycho do you not think she’ll try and kill him?” Mark exclaimed.

“No she won’t; she’s better than that,” I assured him. “Let me see the bathroom and I’ll be off.”  

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