“I’m okay Niall I promise every things fine now.” Louis said as he eyed the other two. Niall broke the hug, “Are ya sure, because we actually saw the bloke on the way here.” Niall stated. Louis felt fear seize his entire body.

“He was coming here?” Louis asked urgently. Zayn stepped and put a hand on Louis’ shoulder, “No no we just saw on the way here….guess he was leaving to go somewhere.” He explained. Louis sighed before giving Harry a wary look, “Well did Liam tell you the whole story.” He asked quietly.

Zayn shifted his gaze to wall, “Just the gist of it but I kind of go the idea of what happened.” He said.

“Yah and I took almost everything I had to not let Zayn chase after Casey when we saw him.” Niall put in giving Zayn a look.

“Well I was mad as hell he can’t just do shit like that and get away with it.” Zayn cried, making the other three boys flinch.

“I’m pretty sure he got the beaten of his life.” Niall said looking over to Harry who only scowled. Louis could feel the love and affection that his friends were giving off in waves. He walked over and hugged Zayn, “Thanks for the concern you guys but really im fine…other that some bruises.” Louis explained.

“Well now that we’re here…ya got anything to eat?” Niall said as he strolled to the kitchen.

Harry laughed and followed him as did Louis and Zayn, “Your always hungry Niall.” Harry commented as he watched the blonde take out bread and some meat.

“Nu-huh s’not mah fau’ me an’ Zayn’ wer’e gonna go ou’ to et’.” Niall said his mouth full of some chips.

Louis brows rose, “Oh yah you guys date night….I'm sorry.” He said. Zayn sat down next to him at the island, “No no don’t be sorry, we would rather check on you than eat out.” He confirmed. Louis smiled, he could feel the love and affection the guys were giving off in waves. “Besides we would rather check on you than go out to eat.” Zayn added. Louis watched Niall walk to the table with a sandwich in hand and a bowl of chips.

Harry sniggered, “I don’t know about that.” he said as he watched Niall stuff his face with some cookies. Louis and Zayn turned their heads to the blonde with frowns. “Hey I love Louis over food any day.” He said…… “Unless it’s Nandos.” He mumbled.

Louis grabbed a handful of chips and threw them at Niall, “Ya little twat.” He cried amusingly. Harry and Zayn laughed as Niall cried that he was just joking.

“But seriously Lou I’m glad that your safe….now you can live happily ever after with prince Harreh!!” the blond said. Louis' face colored at the comment and he looked over to Harry who was doing the same.

“Oh don't give us that look, you guys have been fancying each other forever.” Niall said as he took his seat back.

“Yah and if it wasn't for all the sexual tension in here then it was you two snogging out on the patio.” Zayn chirped with an amused smile.

“Ugh you guys are complete twats you know.” Harry said as shook his head. Louis watched as the boys all just hung around and talked about this and that. It was nice to have this back again, because with Casey he really didn't get a chance to hang out with the guys as much as he would like. However now that he was out of his life he can do whatever he wants....and have Harry right by his side.


After a while Louis started to get sleepy and Harry could tell. “Alright guys I think we kept Louis up for too long.” he said as he watch the boy nod off.

“Alright mates see you later.” Called Zayn as he carried a half-asleep Niall on his back. Harry waved a goodbye and then turned his attention to Louis who had his chin in the palm of his hand. He carefully walked over and touched Louis' shoulder who jumped at the touch.

“Sorry didn't mean to scare you but I think you would like it better if you were in bed.” Harry said. Louis mumbled something before holding out his arms in a baby manner. Smiling to himself Harry picked Louis up bridal style and carried him to the room.

“You’re such a child Lou.” Harry whispered as he gently put the boy down on the bed. He watch as Louis rolling up in the blankets muttering something under his breath. Harry took off his hoodie and laid down on the bed, “You gonna share some of those blanket?” he asked. Louis turned his head to stare Harry down and gave the boy a simple no. Harry stared in disbelief…..did he just…

“If you don’t I’m going to tickle you.” Harry said lowly into Louis’ ear. He heard another mumbled ‘no’.

Harry sighed before running his fingers down Louis’ sides, making the boy giggle a bit. “Harry.” Louis warned him. Harry didn’t give Louis a chance to do anything before his fingers attacked Louis’ stomach. Harry smirked as he watched Louis squirm around laughing so hard that tears were falling down his face. “Okay OKAY….take the blanket Hahaha Haz come on!!” Louis cried. Harry was just going to continue until he saw something on Louis’ arm.

He straddled the boy and pushed away the rest of the blanket that was covering Louis. “What’s…..wrong?” Louis asked breathless. Harry didn’t say anything, but he didn’t push the arm of his sweatshirt up so that Louis’ arm was showing.

“How did you get this?” Harry asked suddenly angry. Louis didn’t say anything but Harry stared the boy down, wanting an answer.

“Did….did Casey do this?” Harry asked. Louis looked away but nodded his head yes. Harry grabbed Louis’ arm and examined the burn mark there, it was from his elbow down to his wrist. He down again at Louis, “How?” he asked.

Louis fidgeted with sheets not making eye-contact with Harry at all. “That day….when we went out…when I went back to the flat he...uh he threw hot tea on me.” Louis spoke quietly, Harry could already sense the tears that were coming on. So without hesitation he wrapped his arms around Louis as the boy cried into his shoulder. And the only thing he could think of was how could he not notice that big of burn mark on Louis’ arm.

Louis sobs started to make Harry’s own eyes tear up a bit, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry he did this to you.” He whispered shakily. He felt Louis start to shake his head, “No Harry don't blame yourself this isn't your fault.” Louis said back as he tried to hold back his sobs.

“Shhh Lou its okay everything will be okay.” Harry said as he brought Louis face up and kissed the boy on the lips.

“Now let's get some sleep okay.” Harry said with a small smile. Louis nodded his head before giving up the rest of the blanket.

“Louis?” Harry asked.

“Yah Haz.” Louis said a bit hoarsely.

“I love you.” Harry stated.

Harry felt Louis moved and arms wrap around his waist. Turning his head he was faced with shining blue eyes.

“Love you to.” he whispered.

Harry watched silently as Louis fell asleep in his arms and he couldn’t help but feel the utter disbelief in himself. How could he not notice that big of burn mark on Louis’ arm. He pulled the boy closer to him, not wanting to let him go. If he’d ever see Casey again….actually he didn’t even want to think about that because he was sure that he would go to jail if he ever saw Casey again. Sighing he turned his head to stare at Louis, his beautiful Louis who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He couldn’t ask for anything more in his life, as long as Louis was there with him.

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