Chapter Seven

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"I gotta get to class I'll see you around Haz." Louis said quickly before making a hasty retreat out the locker room. The boy couldn't get his heart rate to slow down to save his life. That was the second time Harry tried to kiss, and he was going to let it happen. Oh how Louis wished that he was single, but it wouldn't matter because Harry wouldn't date him.

But he did initiate something...twice so he must have some feeling for Louis right? Louis shook his head, it really didn't matter because he had Casey...but he was leaving him today so technically he is single. He sighed...why can't life just give him a break he thought as he walked into class.

"Mr. Tomlinson so glad for you to join us today." The teacher huffed as Louis shuffled in the room. "Care to tell me where you've been." he asked. Louis walked over at took his seat, "Uh I had to change a caught in the rain hope you didn't mind." he said, that last part with a bit of an attitude.

He saw the teacher narrow his eyes at him, "Well I guess you wouldn't mind serving a detention then." he quipped. Louis was about to open his mouth to retort but a hard kick from the chair behind him made him shut it.

"Don't dig yourself deeper Lou." Niall whispered. Louis huffed before crossing his arms over his chest. Today was not his day at all, from getting yelled at by Casey, getting soaked in the rain and getting a detention it was just...something was out to get him. The teacher started to drown on about numbers and equal signs so Louis ultimately tuned him out and snuggled into Harry's hoodie. He sighed before bellowing his head into his arms, the smell of Harry attacking his nose. Well at least one thing good happened today, he got to wear Harry's clothes.

It was finally after school when Harry walked and the rest of the guys walked out of the music room. They all chatted about the on coming talent show and how excited they were. Harry noticed that Louis had been kind of quiet the whole period, and his singing was a bit off...a little raspy if that. He was a bit worried that Louis would end up sick since he ended up walking to school in the rain.

However he couldn't help but smirk a bit when Louis had to put on his clothes. Like he said before he looked damned nice in them, those black jeans fit his ass perfectly and the shirt he was wearing was like a second skin on him. He was walking behind Louis when he suddenly turned to head down a hallway.

"Uh Lou where ya going mate?" Harry asked. The whole group stopped and looked over at Louis, his face pinched in frustration.

"I got a detention for being late." Louis mumbled. Niall started to laugh, "No you got in trouble for being a smartass." he chuckled.

The boys chuckled because Louis really does have a sassy streak in him. He wasn't afraid to say something smart to anybody, including a teacher. Harry raised an eyebrow at Louis, "That tongue of yours is going to get you in trouble one day." he said. Louis flushed red before huffing, "Wasn't might fault that I had to walk in the freaking rain." He grumbled.

"I can wait and give a ride." Zayn offered but Louis shook his head, "Aren't you taking Niall out today again?" he asked.

Zayn turned to the blonde who had his arms crossed, the tan boy laughed, "I totally forgot...sorry." he said sheepishly. Niall face was starting to go a little red and Harry could tell that he was sensing a fight coming on.

"How about we wait, Harry and I drove here together so we wouldn't mind waiting...right Harry?" Liam asked looking over at his curly haired friend. Harry smiled, "Yah sure it's not a you should probably get going before you get in more trouble." he said.

Louis gave a faint smile before continuing down the hallway giving the boys a wave before rounding the corner. The second Louis was out of sight the smile he had on his face slipped off. "I think he's sick."Harry stated.

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