He was eating some toast when he got a call from Harry, and his heart fluttered a bit. He always gets antsy and nervous. Just then Casey walked in and wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulders. He eyed the boy from the corner of his eyes and smiled a little. Casey started biting his ear when he picked up the phone.

He tried to shimmy his way out of Casey hold but than the boy started tickling his sides, making him laugh. He answered the phone in fits of laughter, Harry's voice flittered through the phone. Pushing Casey off him slightly he picked up his messenger bag and slung it over his shoulder. He saw Casey get that look in his eyes and Louis pointedly looked at the clock.

"I'll drive ya." Casey smiled as he walked off to get his keys. Louis smiled a bit before walking toward the door.

"Louis you okay?" Harry asked. Louis caught his breath before answering him,"Sorry um yah I'm fine I was just walking out the apartment actually." Louis said.

"Do you need a ride?" Harry asked. And Louis had to stop walking to the car for a minute because Harry sounded so hopeful, but Casey was taking him today. And it was really rare for Casey to do something like that because he usually pics up his other friends on the way to campus. So with a heavy heart he had to tell Harry no.

"No um Casey is taking me today." Louis said quietly. He heard the phone go silent for a while and he wondered if Harry hung the phone up on him. "Hellloooo?" Louis said obnoxiously loud. There was more silence before, "Um what sorry." Harry mumbled.

Louis laughed, Harry could be so simple-minded, "Your such a spazz Haz." he chuckled. He heard Harry laugh to, smiling Louis turned to the door to see Casey will a frown on the face. Louis' smile slowly slipped from his face as he turned back around quickly, he gave a quick bye to Harry he slid the phone off.

"Who was that?" Casey asked as he shut the front door clothes. Louis gave weary smile, "Just Liam.." Louis said as he looked off to the side.

Casey walked up to him and snatched the phone from Louis' hand. Louis already felt the fear curling inside him, he knew for a fact that Casey was going to do something when he found out. He was trying to make sure not say Harry's name outside, but that last part just slipped out. Louis flinched when Casey looked back up to him, he was pushed against the car; Casey's hands yanking his hair making Louis' fall back.

"What the fuck did I tell you about that bloke!" he hissed in Louis' ear. Louis just squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see the rage in the other boys eyes. The grip in his hair tightened, "Answer me!"

"I...I'm sorry he just called an-"That's not the point when I tell you to do something I expect you to do it." Casey growled.

Louis nodded his frantically just wishing that Casey would let go of his head. The grip loosened in his hair, but then Casey slammed his knee into Louis' stomach. "Now I'll let you walk to school and think about what you did." he hissed before shoving Louis off the car. Louis was to busy holding his stomach to pay attention to the squealing of the tires that teared down the road.

Louis sank down the ground curling up into a ball as he tried to fight the on coming tears. He could faintly hear his phone going off somewhere in the background on the grass. Completely ignoring the phone he slowly snatched it up and got back to his feet, wincing a bit. Once up he started his walk to campus...very...very slowly. On the way there he was hoping that Zayn would come out nowhere like he did yesterday and give him a ride.

He didn't

"Seriously has anyone seen Louis?" Niall asked from where the four boys sat in the music room. Liam looked at the Irish boy and shrugged his shoulders. He looked off to the side to see Harry biting his bottom lip, his left foot bouncing up and down in nervousness. He could tell that the curly haired boy was getting anxious because Louis was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Louis was the one to to ask everybody to meet in the music room the next day in the first place...so where the fuck was he?

"I bet you this has to do something with Casey." Harry growled as he so happened to catch a glimpse of the boy walking by the door. Leaping out of his chair he briskly walked out the room to catch up with the him.

"Where the hell is Louis?" Harry growled as he pushed Casey against some lockers.

"Harry you need to calm down." Zayn called as the rest of the group of boys followed him out the room.

Harry didn't bat an eye at the boys, "Not until this bastard tells me where Louis is...and don't lie because he told me that you were taking him this morning." Harry stated. Casey looked at Harry with anger filled eyes he shoved the curly haired boy off him.

"Louis isn't your business." he said and Harry nearly lost it. He lunged forward but Niall and Zayn was holding him back.

"Louis is my business you selfless prick where the fuck is he!" Harry shouted as he struggled in the other boys grips. "Let me go...I swear to God if does-"...Harry."

Everybody turned to see Louis completely and utterly soaked in rain. Liam was the first one to approach him, his eyes saying everything; Louis just muttered a later before looking over at Harry.

"Don't blame him Harry I decided to walk to today...didn't know that it'd start raining." Louis lied with a sheepish grin. Harry's eyes softened at the look that Louis had, feeling sorry for the lad. Zayn and Niall let him ago and Harry hurriedly walked over to Louis. He gave the soaking wet boy a huge hug before wiping the raindrops form Louis' slightly red cheeks.

"Are you okay." Harry asked. Louis nodded his head his eyes trailing to the floor, "Do you by any chance have extra clothes." he asked.

Harry smiled before grabbing his hand, "Yep it's my locker." he said. He gave a quick bye to the other three boys and gave one menacing glare to Casey before walking towards the stairwell. Liam watched Casey from the corner of his eyes and noticed that the boy was boiling over with anger as he stared at Harry.

He watched the boy huffed before walking back down the hallway, passing them without a sideways glance.

"I really don't like him." Niall said suddenly as he watched Casey's back disappear around the corner. His brows were pushed together and his mouth was twisted into a frown. Liam couldn't help but notice how Zayn was staring at the blonde with this complete adoring look on his face...rolling his eyes he scratched the back of his head.

"Why did Louis get with him anyway?" Zayn asked. Niall looked at him curiously, "That's a really good question...I always thought that he'd end up with Harry." he said. Liam smiled a bit, at least he wasn't the only person who thought that those to should be together. Sighing he picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"What do you think Liam?" Niall asked.

Liam shrugged his shoulders because honestly he was pretty sure that those two were made from each other. But between Harry's stubbornness to actually tell Louis about how he feels for the boy and Louis being insecure and a little shy and we can't forget about Casey...it's just not gonna happen.

"I think we should get to class." Liam said, his thoughts circling in his head. Niall huffed before slugging a arm over Liam's shoulder. "We have plenty of time to get to—The bell rung loudly cutting Niall's sentence off.

"Dammit!" He yelled, he said a quick bye to Liam and gave Zayn a peck on the lips before speeding off to class...which was on the other side of campus.

Liam chuckled not the slightest worried of being late since his teachers all love him, "How do you deal with all that energy?" he asked Zayn.

The tan boy smiled wolfishly, "I just fuck it out of him." he said simply.

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that." Liam said.

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