part 1

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i decided to wear my light blue bootcut jeans and a maroon colored tank top for my first day of my last year of high school, wow. i got into my white BMW and i was on my way to Westside

i walked through the halls of Westside, looking for all of my classes. Calculus. I couldnt find the classroom anywhere. I decided to go back to my locker and act like i was getting a textbook. I had found my locker before, luckily. 

so i walked over to my locker. i heard some boys snicker and i turned around. 

There I saw 3 boys. One of them had dark brown hair and nearly perfect eyebrows. One had blonde hair and looked way too young to be in high school. and the third boy had light brown hair and caramel eyes and actually super long eyelashes. 

all 3 of them were looking right at me. i waited for them to say something but they just started laughing and the third boy started blushing like crazy. 

"can i help you guys?" i asked innocently

the boy with dark brown hair muttered something in a voice that was too low for me to hear, but obviously the other guys heard because they both started laughing.  

i raised one eyebrow and waited for a response

"whats your name?" the blonde one asked

i paused for a second and answered, "Brooke"

the blonde one introduced himself as jack, the dark haired as jack also, but he said for me to call him gilinsky. then the last boy introduced himself as sam.

"are you a senior?" jack asked

i nodded

"what class do you have first?" 

i looked down at my schedule "calculus. ive been looking for it but i have no clue where the room is."

"i can show you if you want" sam volunteered

"you'll be late" i warned

they all chuckled "it wouldnt be the first time."

i really did want him to walk with me. he seemed really nice and was actually extremely good looking.  i finally agreed and grabbed the calculus book from my locker and closed it. 

we all walked together until the jacks had to go a seperate direction for another class. then it was just me and sam. 

"so did you just move here? im pretty sure if you went here last year id remember a face like yours." he said

i felt myself blush but turned my face away so he couldnt see. i turned back after i felt my cheeks go back to normal. "yeah, i moved from california." 

"ive never been there. is it as great as everyone says?" his face lit up. 

i shrugged, "the beaches are nice though."

we turned the corner and he stopped, so i stopped too. 

"here it is," he said motioning towards the classroom

"oh. thank you." i smiled

i waited for him to walk away but he didnt. so i walked into the classroom alone. i definetely felt his eyes on me as i walked away. i picked an open seat near the back.

sam smiled and waved bye to me and the bell rang just as he started walking at a slow pace. 

halfway into class, a girl turned around and whispered, "were you walking with sam?"

i nodded

another 2 girls gasped and turned around to face me."what was he saying to you?" 

"nothing really, he was just showing me to the classroom."

"he was staring at you when you were walking in." one girl said bluntly. "im mallory by the way."

"hi im brooke" i smiled, ignoring the first part of what she had told me.

the other girls introduced themselves as leigh and missy. they were all really pretty. i felt a little out of place, though, because i was only wearing mascara and a soft lipgloss. they were all obviously wearing heavy blush, eye liner, eye shadow, and just about every other kind of makeup. I did feel a little self concious around them. 

missy filled me in on sam. she basically told me he was bad news. she told me that he got high and drunk all the time and was a huge partier. i really didnt care. it almost seemed like she was driving me away from him. which was crazy. i was no competition, she was gorgeous. 

class ended and i walked out saying bye to the girls. sam was already waiting there for me. 

"so do you like basketball?" he asked

"i guess."

"well i play. im on the team here." he told me "do you play any sports?"

i nodded. "volleyball. and i used to play soccer but im kinda done with that. im a lot better at volleyball."

he looked at me for a minute.

"what?" i asked


we kept walking and talking in between every class. and i have to say i really enjoyed his company.

Sammy Wilkinson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now