t w e n t y f i v e

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Dear Mr.Frowny Face,

I pretty sure you've finished reading my diary because hello? You're reading this letter??

Firstly, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to, thank you for lending me a shoulder to cry on, thank you for having to deal with my ridiculousness, thank you for showing me another side to this messed up life and thank you so so much.. for stealing my heart.

This might sound cringy and cliché but, from the moment I met you, Yoongi, you caught my attention.You've made me the happiest girl and might probably the saddest girl, ever since you fell into a coma.

Secondly, I'd like to apologise so so much towards you. I'm sorry that I annoy you so much that one time, I woke you up and you cursed at me. I'm sorry that I always steal your food whenever you ordered food from outside the hospital. I'm sorry you had to wake up every morning to hear me snore really loud. I'm sorry to keep you up late at night just to watch a scary movie with me and in the end, I ended up staying awake because I was afraid. I'm sorry I made you accompany me to the bathroom because I was afraid of the dark. I'm sorry if I annoy you so much. And finally, I'm sorry for not keeping my promise.

I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, Yoongi. My eyes feel like shutting, my legs are wobbly and my hands are nearly asleep (mind my awful handwriting). I'm scared, Yoongi. I really am. I'm about to meet Sung Min up there but, what about Soo Mi and eomma? I don't want them to know that I'm about to die. And What about appa? I want to send him help. I want to save him from his misery but, how can I if I'm not able to help myself?

I can't do much, anymore. I'm sorry, Yoongi.

I really am sorry..

I can't wait for you any longer

I can't keep the promise I made to you

So, before I say goodbye,

I want you to know..

🦋 🦋
I love you.

Before I Say Goodbye | m.yg✓Where stories live. Discover now