part 8

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Liver: (Smirking) So, Bulat, you still cling to your outdated sense of loyalty? How noble. But let me remind you of something. It was Esdeath who saved my life, sparing me from certain death. I owe her my allegiance now.

Bulat: (Firmly) I understand your gratitude, Liver, but that doesn't mean I will abandon my duty. My mission is to protect the innocent, even if it means opposing my former comrades.

Liver: (Chuckling) Duty, honor, principles... They are nothing compared to the power Esdeath wields. Look around you, Bulat. We stand in the middle of the sea, my Imperial Arms ready to unleash its devastating force. You can't win against the might of water.

Bulat: (Determined) I won't be swayed by empty promises of power, Liver. My resolve is unyielding, and I will fight until the end.

Liver: (Smirking) Then let's see if your resolve can withstand the force of my Water Spirit Cannon!

Liver activates his Imperial Arms, causing water to surge from the barrels on his back. He aims his Water Spirit Cannon at Bulat and releases a powerful blast of water.

Liver: Taste the power of the sea, Bulat!

Bulat: (Bracing himself) I won't let your water extinguish my flame!

Bulat quickly reacts, using his spear to block the incoming torrent of water, creating a shield against Liver's attack. The clash between their abilities showcases their determination and the clash of their opposing loyalties.

Bulat: Your water may be powerful, but I won't be swept away so easily!

Liver: (Grinning) We shall see, my old friend. This battle will test the strength of our convictions.

The fight between Bulat and Liver escalates, each displaying their unique abilities and unwavering dedication to their chosen paths. The sea becomes the battleground for their clash, as waves crash and their powers collide in a fierce struggle for supremacy.

As Nyau wakes up and tries to support Liver with his flute, F/n descends from above, slashing downwards to interrupt Nyau's actions.

Nyau: (gritting his teeth) You won't stop me that easily! Prepare for my relentless barrage!

Nyau unleashes a series of rapid attacks with his flute, aiming to overpower F/n. However, F/n manages to counter some of Nyau's strikes.

F/n: Is that all you've got? I've seen faster moves from Akame herself! You're just a step behind!

Nyau, feeling the lingering impact of Bulat's earlier punch to his stomach, struggles to catch his breath. He tries to regain his composure while engaging in a verbal exchange with F/n.

Nyau: (gasping) Don't underestimate me! I won't back down! I'll be the one to win this!

F/n: (with a sharp tone) You're tenacious, I'll give you that. But in the end, it's spirit and skill that determine the true victor. And I've got plenty of both!

The intense battle continues as Nyau and F/n clash, each determined to prove their superiority.

Liver: Behold the might of water! Rise, serpent, and crush our enemy!

Liver manipulates the water around him, forming a colossal serpent that lunges towards Bulat. However, instead of evading the attack, Bulat swiftly slices through the serpent with his weapon, determined not to be overpowered.

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