{Part Thirteen} Nuzzle

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Richies POV

The living room lights are still on so I sneak to the side of the house where Eddies window is. The bathroom lights are on and water is coming out the water pipe by my feet so I assume he is talking a shower, I know how dirty Eddie thinks the barrens are, he's so fucking adorable when he's ranting about how dirty this town is. I stifle a small giggle and stare down at the ground looking for little stones. After I collected a few I look up again and see all the lights off and a slight glow of Eddies night light he thinks I don't know about. I laugh again and start grabbing some more rocks.

Eddies POV

I lie in bed questioning everything, I think of Richie and how he makes my stomach flutter, I think of Josh and how hot he is and why he was hanging out with Henry and his horrible friends. I think of Beverly and Ben, I wonder if their relationship is going to mess up the Losers club. I am still thinking about this when I hear a little ping coming from my window, suddenly I hear another and another and another
Ping, ping, ping, ping
I get up and look out the window, expecting a squirrel or something to be there but instead I see Richies deep brown eyes gazing into mine.
"What the fu" I start,
"I'm freezing down here are you going to let me in or not dipshit" I hear from down below. I unlatch my window and Richie makes his way up into my room falling onto the floor which makes me laugh, I stop laughing as soon as I see the red mark on Richies face.
"Oh my god Richie what happened are you okay??!" I rush over to him and stroke his cheek, he flinches away as soon as I touch him, I pull back my hand and stare at it in shock.
"It's nothing" Richie says with tears rolling down his face,
"Oh Richie," I pull him into a hug and he weeps softly on my shoulder, I don't know how long we where like that but as Richie slowly stops crying I give him one last squeeze and stand up and grab some pillows and blankets out of the cupboard and lay them on the floor.
"You can stay here tonight," I start gesturing towards my bed "I'll sleep on the floor." He gets up and climbs under my duvet and I lay down on the floor,

"Night Richie." I say rolling over.
"Oh Eddie just come up here the floor looks so uncomfortable" he mumbles.
"No Richie, I'm fine down here" I reply
"Edssssss" he whispers
"Fine!" I get up and crawl into the small bed. We look at each other for a few moments but then Richie rolls over and sleepily mumbles goodnight.
I stare at his back and remember how mad we where at each other this morning, how could you be mad at him. I nuzzle into his back and drift slowly and peacefully to sleep.

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