Finn x reader ⚠️

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Warning: Suicide, suicidal thoughts, depression.

You stood on the edge of a building, your favourite place to hang out with Finn.

He brought you to this rooftop about a year ago now, declaring that it was your 'hangout'.

The two of you went almost everyday, talking or doing homework. It was a safe haven, at least from the physical worries you had.

It wasn't a safe haven from your head.

You had always believed that you weren't good enough. You were merely average; medium house, okay grades, a few friends. Nothing special about you.

You thought you were a burden, a filler. No one truly loved you.

You peered over the sharp edge, looking at the blank ground below. A burst of courage rushed through you.

You took in a final sharp breath, and lifted your foot to jump.

"Y/n!" You heard Finn yell.

Putting your foot back on the roof, you turned to face him.

He ran towards you as you collapsed and started crying.

"Why? Why would you do this?" His voice cracked. He held you close to him.

"I'm not good enough" You told him in between sobs.

"You are good enough! You're my best friend, my other half. You're my soulmate, y/n! Everyone would miss you, I would beat myself up over this. I can't live without you" He began crying.

You held onto him tighter, wishing you didn't come up here.

"Finn, I think I love you" You looked up into his red eyes.

"I love you too" He smiled sadly.

"I could never leave you" You buried your head into him.

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