Richie x reader

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You walked into your house, drained from your day at school.

"Y/n! Come in here please!" Your mom called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" You set your bag down by the door and went into the kitchen.

"What's up?" You asked, sitting at the table.

"I started cooking dinner and I realized I don't have eggs or red peppers. Could you go to the store and get some?" Your mom asked. She was at the stove, stirring a big pot.

"Sure. How many red peppers?" You replied.

"There is good, and my wallet is on my dresser. Take ten dollars, I don't care if you use the rest for candy" She told you.

"Really? Thanks! I'll be back soon!" You smiled, and ran to your parent's room.

After grabbing the money, you raced outside to get your bike.

The ride to the store was fairly short, as you lived a couple blocks away. You stood your bike outside, and went in with the money inside your hand.

"Red peppers and eggs. Red peppers and eggs" You whispered to yourself.

You found the fruits and vegetables, and grabbed a bag to put the peppers in.

"One, two, three" You mumbled to yourself as you grabbed the peppers.

"Can't count in your head?" You heard someone behind you ask.

"Sorry" You said as you turned around. There was a boy who looked your age, with big glasses and dark curly hair.

"I didn't mean to be rude, I just don't think before I speak. I'm Richie" He responded.

"It's alright. I'm y/n, and yes, I can count in my head. I just wasn't this time" You smiled.

"You seem kind of cool. You wanna hang out tomorrow? Me and my friends go to the Barrens" He asked, walking with you to get the eggs.

"Sure. I just need to get eggs now" You told him.

"You have enough money?" He asked, reaching into his pockets.

"Yeah. My mom said there might be some left" You arrived at the eggs, and picked up a carton.

"Great. Well, uh, I gotta go now" He smiled at you.

"See you tomorrow" You waved.

— time skip to the next day—

The shrill bell rang, signalling the end of the day. You grabbed your stuff and headed for the doors.

"Hey! Y/n!" You looked to the side and saw Richie waving.

"Hi" You greeted him.

"This is Eddie, Stan, Bill, Ben and Bev. Mike is meeting us down there" He told you, pointing to each person.

"I'm y/n" You waved.

"I like your shirt. It's a nice colour" Bev said with a smile.

"Thanks" You smiled back.

"Richie told us alllllllll about you" Eddie smirked.

"Eddie!" Richie pushed Eddie.

"Calm down, calm down. Jeez, you probably haven't washed your hands in days" Eddie mumbled, wiping his hands on his shorts.

"Should w-w-we get g-g-going?" Bill asked.

"Pip pip and tally ho! To the barrens we go!" Richie yelled, trying his best to do a British accent.

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