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Name: Victoria Chloe Smith

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Name: Victoria Chloe Smith

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Tori is smart and very friendly. She is always a ray of sunshine to all and has excellent people's skills. She is very funny and comforting when you need it. She is empathetic and kind.

Background: Tori is in her second year at Keaton and does singing. She sometimes dances but is there mainly for singing. Tori has had a good upbringing. She was born with complete deafness in her right ear which she struggles with though due to surgeries and hearing aids she has slightly hearing back in that ear. She tries not to let it affect her.

Likes: Reading, Music, Animals, Dancing

Dislikes: Bullies, when she can't do something after multiple tries, maths, Julie Maslani.

Other: She dated Julie for a 5 months before Julie dumped her for not being artistic enough. Julie knows she was harsh so might still be a little jealous if she's with someone else.

Crush: (IF WE PLAY EACHOTHER'S CRUSHES)   : Bianca or Sasha.

Scenario 1:

Tori and your OC have to do a duet. (If they do something other than music they still do a duet but combining their skills)

Scenario 2:

Tori, her crush, your OC and your crush are all in a group together and have to do groupwork. (Same as above)

Scenario 3:

Make it up:)

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