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Ask before you start a scenario

Complete the form fully

I time skip smut

I prefer gXg roleplay, it's just easier for me to roleplay.

My OC's will most likely be female

Please try and be descriptive.

Tag me once if I don't reply within 30 minutes. Then tag me again after 1 hour if I still don't. I will most likely be busy.

Don't control my OC's please

Don't make your OC overpowered

Ask before making your OC pregnant or anything like that. And no killing OC's please.

No anime please.

Ask to do the scenario first please.

If you want to play eachother's crush let me know and if you do then be equal.

Swearing is allowed but please censor it.

You may add drama but please also remember to let the characters be happy.

If I don't know the Fandom, I won't roleplay it. It won't be accurate if I did.

I will add more later.

Password is your favourite colour. Put it here please.

- More rules!:

We play eachother's crushes. If you want our OC's to be crushes let me know beforehand

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