Spoot! (SootpawXSpiderpaw)

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Blackpaw and Flamepaw stuck their heads inside the medicine cat den where Sootpaw and Spiderpaw were. They had minor cuts from falling in a bramble bush. Both were asleep. The cats slowly crept inside the den. "Hey Sootpaw," Blackpaw grinned, turning her head upside down. "What? What's going on?" She asked groggily as Flamepaw woke up Spiderpaw. "SPIDEY GET UP!!!!" All three cats jumped. Blackpaw gave Flamepaw a look and he laughed. "Anyway..." she continued. "SOOTPAW SPIDERPAW L-" his face was shoved into the dirt. "LOVES YOU!!" Blackpaw finished. "SPIDERPAW SOOTPAW L-" her face flew forward into her nest. "SHE LOVES YOU TOO!!" Flamepaw grinned. The cats in their nests were blushing so hard you could almost see it through their dark pelts. "Blackpaw!" Sootpaw and Spiderpaw hissed at the same time, making them blush harder. "Hey it was his idea!" The little black medicine cat apprentice laughed and pushed the large ginger tom out of the den. However, they watched through the roof. The two remains cats look everywhere but each other. Spiderpaw was studying his paws and looked at Sootpaw. She was looking back at him. "S-so..." he said. "Yea..." Sootpaw said quietly. "LICK HER YOU MOUSEBRAIN!!" Flamepaw shouted but Blackpaw thwacked him on the head. Both cats blushed harder, if that was possible. "So...you like me? Like, like me like me?" Sootpaw asked quietly. Spiderpaw nodded stiffly. 'If we can't be friends after this you're both crow food.' "I like you too," Sootpaw whispered and the cats on the roof started fangirling- er fanshe-cating and fantoming... Blackpaw dragged Flamepaw off the top of the den somewhere out of earshot. "So...what do we do now?" Spiderpaw asked. Sootpaw let out a small laugh. "Were never going to live this down." Spiderpaw laughed too. "So...what? Are we like..." he asked. "No idea," Sootpaw laughed and shrugged. "But it works." They both smiled. "VICTORY FOR INSANECLAM!!" Flamepaw cheered. "Shh!" Blackpaw hissed. "You'll wake the whole Forrest!" She laughed, and fell asleep. Can ya BLAME her? They were up all night panning this. The original plan was to cat-nap Sootpaw and make Spidey save her.

Sootpaw- NightsongxD
Spiderpaw- GamingIV
Flamepaw- BreakableObject
Blackpaw- MEEE

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