Chapter 2: The morning after

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The next morning Victor woke up earlier than yuri so he just went and took a hot, steamy shower.

After he got out, Victor got dressed how he usually does when it's cold-

A Shirt and a blue tie paired up with a dark grey, wooly sweater with loose, black pants, loafers and a brown coat.

Almost immediately, after Victor got dressed, he rushed to wake Yuri, but as you can imagine Yuri barely got up because of how sore he was.

About fifteen minutes of begging and pulling, Yuri finally got up, still very tired.

He forced himself to put on light grey Nike sweatpants (#notsponsered) paired up with a t-shirt and an oversized sweater.

They both hurried down the hotel for breakfast. As they walked into the dining hall, Victor and Yuri were anxious to meet their friends but they really wanted to see how Otabek and Yuri were doing but nothing seemed to be going on.

In the dining hall they see all the skaters on different tables, Yuri and Victor approached Pitchit and asked if he wanted to eat with them, he said yes but he wanted to invite Otabek and Yurio.

Victor and Yuri looked at each other, turned back and started nodding at Pitchit so they all sat down at a table and ordered. At first Yurio and Otabek refused but then Pitchit begged until they finally broke. 

After breakfast, Yuri and Victor finally went their separate ways, saying goodbye one last time.

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