Chapter 2

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Stiles was in rage monster mode when Derek's driver dropped him home. Biting that asshole in the neck had helped somewhat but it hadn't affected the outcome of this whole debacle in any way.

They were both waiting for him at the front door. Before Stiles had even stepped out of the car, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills was already shaking his head. What an encouraging welcoming committee.

Stiles immediately punched Scott as hard as he could in the shoulder, knowing his strength was nothing compared to Scott's, but felt pleasantly mollified that he winced like it had actually hurt.

"Thanks for sticking with me there, ol' buddy ol' pal. Don't know what I would have done without you."

Scott looked stricken. "Stiles, he's an alpha. You know, I couldn't..."

"Yeah, yeah. Just go and find another shoulder to cry on," he muttered. "Because I'm pissed."

"Stiles," His father finally spoke, using his dangerous I'm-a-badass-with-a-gun voice. "House. Now."

He shrugged, and figured it would work quicker if he just let his father drag him inside by the scruff of his shirt, which he did. Scott followed, naturally.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Sheriff Stilinski demanded, releasing him with a shake.

"Obviously I didn't know he was the alpha."

Scott laughed, but he shut up pretty quickly when the Sheriff- who owns a freaking gun, dumbass- looked at him.

"Aw, c'mon, Stiles. How could you not have known? He was driving a Mercedes."

Stiles didn't understand the relevance of that. Like all alphas drove flashy cars? Besides the only car he truly cared about, he'd been forced to abandon in light of the recent kidnapping.

"He wasn't even driving. Otherwise, I would have yelled at him first."

His dad actually slapped the palm of his hand against his face. Oh great, he had his father face palming now. Perfect.

"How did you not realise he was the alpha? The way everybody but you bared their necks in respect? But oh, no. You had to tell him to kiss your ass!"

"You were there! Why didn't you stop me?" he argued back, knowing it wasn't much of an excuse, but hey, he can't always be expected to pull his foot out of his own mouth. He wasn't exactly flexible in that way.

"Too many people," they both said in unison, and Stiles felt oddly touched that it had occurred to them to try and prevent his stupidity. Maybe they did have his back after all.

"And then you pushed him, man. I just thought he'd kill you right there," Scott admitted, looking shocked and awed by the idea of it which Stiles found a little unnerving.

But then his dad shook his head. "No, you've seen Stiles. He isn't to be taken seriously as a threat. It could only be seen as a bond invitation."

Stiles huffed in outrage, but Scott nodded as if it was the most plausible thing in the world. That's how it was, he supposed; weaker than a leaf and no tougher than a dandelion, was their Stiles.

"And Stiles," his dad added and reached over to cuff him across the back of his head as if it was an afterthought.


"Why the hell did you try and run, you idiot. Don't you listen in class?"

Scott was smirking at this, and Stiles glared back, feeling betrayed when the soon to be ex-best friend used his hand to cover his smile.

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