"L-let's go home..." Kiibo stuttered and immediately started walking back home, not even waiting for Ouma to compose himself.

"O-ok..." Ouma mumbled awkwardly, running over to Kiibo. As soon as everything was normal again, everything quickly fell apart, causing Kiibo to return to his cold quiet self. Nothing was said between the two, but compared to last time, an awkwardness filled the gap instead.

They arrived home and Kiibo opened the door, both sneaking inside and turning all the previously dimmed lights back on. Kiibo returned silently to his place at the kitchen table, wrapping his present for Kaede. Ouma thought about approaching the robot, but gave up and knew he would just get ignored again, so instead he made his way back to his room. Neither exited their station till the morning sun began rising, awakening the two from their slumber.

Kiibo woke up laying on the table with drool slightly escaping his mouth. He quickly jolted awake and wiped his mouth. He went over the events of the previous day and mentally slapped himself. He needed to get over this weird behaviour, for Oumas sake. He got up to walked to their/Oumas room to wake the sleeping boy and probably apologize, but the moment he saw the adorable little purple fluff ball sleeping peacefully, he chickened out and ran back to the kitchen. What he didn't see was the red damp stains trailing down said fluff balls cheeks.


Ouma woke up, alone and sad. Is this what our relationship will be like from now on? He pulled himself out of bed, and sleepily stumbled out to the kitchen. Kiibo was already there and had already made food for the other, but none for himself. Figures, what's the point of eating when you don't have someone to enjoy the food with. He silently thought and grabbed his food. He spent the next 10 minutes silently pushing his food around, he didn't feel like eating at the moment. Ouma noticed Kaedes card still resting on the table, and picked it up, then looked at the clock.

"So the party starts in 2 hours?" He asked Kiibo, not really expecting an answer. As expected, the robot only gave a slight  nod at the question. Ouma sighed and stood up, he threw his plate in the sink and ran back to his room. Stupid robot! He's the worst! I hate him! These thoughts plagued Oumas mind, but for some reason he felt guilty for thinking them. He had every right to be mad at the robot! But even still, his heart stung with every bad thought that entered his mind.

He flopped on his bed and let out a shaky breath. It's me isn't it...he hates me. He rubbed his watering eyes and covered his face. I'm annoying. I'm a burden. I'm unwanted. He let those thought take over his previous ones, and with every new insult, his confidence dropped further.

Eventually it was time to leave for the party, but both boys secretly wished they didn't have to go, neither had the energy to leave the house. They took the bus since Kaedes house was too far of a walk.

"Welcome!" Kaede smiled happily and pulled the two inside. Mostly everyone had arrived, with a few late arrivals. In the end there were 8 people. Ouma and Kiibo drifted away from each other and mingled with the others. They played games, ate food, laughed. They ate cake as Kaede opened her presents.

"Thanks you two!" She said happily and hugged Ouma and Kiibo. Everyone else's presents came after and she gave hugs to everyone. By the end, Kaede was covered in different clothing items and accessories that were gifted to her. As the sky grew dark, a few people had to leave, but the party continued.

"I have one more birthday wish!" Kaede announced to the remaining 4 people. Ouma, Kiibo and Saihara  all looked at her confused while Amami smirked. She put her arms around Ouma and Saiharas shoulders. She had a devilish grin on her face and nodded to Amami, who rushed out of the room.

Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}Where stories live. Discover now