"Oh, cool sure. Thanks!"

"No problem, we'll have it in 3 days."


"Because by then I'll be out of here and you don't want to have bags under your eyes at the wedding so not the night exactly before it."

"That makes sense."

I had forgotten that there were other people in the room.

"Can I go home now?" I asked the healer.

"You're stable so yes, but come let me know if there are any more blackouts or pain, etc."

"I will."

We filed out of St. Mungos in a large crowd. Everyone congratulating me or asking me how I was doing. I was alive, and I was with my friends, practically my family, I was fine.

*Pansy POV*

I was getting married in four days, in seven months I would be giving birth to twins. It turns out that Draco told Ron about everything he had done before his memory was erased.Yesterday, after Hermione went home with Draco, Harry, and Ginny, Ron and I had a long talk about it.


"So Pansy, I wanted to apologize." I put the book I was holding down and looked up at him.

"For what?"

"I was such a jerk before."  My blood turned to ice. How could he have remembered?

"What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb. Ron looked at me strangely.

"Draco told me everything I did. We were fighting and he lost it and  he told me everything."


"Yeah, so I would like to apologize for being a git before." I smiled.

"It's alright Ron."

"No, it's not-"

"Ron, our wedding is in five days, whatever was before, was before, now is now."

"Pansy, I love you, I'm pretty sure I didn't before, but now I do, so obviously we're getting married, but I wanted to propose properly." He knelt down and pulled out a box.

A/N I know this isn't Pansy's middle name, but proposals work better when there is one, and this is her mother's name, so it works

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A/N I know this isn't Pansy's middle name, but proposals work better when there is one, and this is her mother's name, so it works.

"Pansy Rose Parkinson, will you marry me, willingly?"

"No." He looked shocked. I burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face, I'm kidding yes! I love you too Ron!"

We kissed.

*End of flashback*

I did love him, I really did. Even after all the crap with our family rivalries and shit, we were still getting married and having children. I smiled absentmindedly.

*Draco POV*

I was strolling around thinking all was right with the world, thinking how lucky I was to be marrying Hermione. All of a sudden, as I walked around the corner, I ran into, literally ran into Daphne and Astoria Greengrass. Daphne just nodded curtly and walked away. Astoria stood next to me until her sister left. Then she spoke to me.

"So, I am engaged to Marcus Flint."


"I hate him."

"Um-" Then she kissed me. I pushed her away.

"WTF Astoria?!"

"Oh please, don't be dramatic." She kissed me again.

This time I saw something behind her. It was some bushy brown hair. I shoved Astoria to the floor and ran after my angered fiancee.

A/N So CLIFFHANGER! Please let me know in the comments what you thought of Pansy's ring. What will happen to Hermione and Draco? Have any ideas about this plot, let me know in the comments, I'll put it in the next chapter, and give you a shout out! There may be a wedding next chapter btw! For all those Neville lovers, or Blaise and Luna lovers, their relationships are not too important to the plot I was going for. Sorry. I LOVE Luna, she is my second favorite character, after Draco Malfoy of course, but this story is mainly about Dramione, and Ransy and Hinny are pretty important too. Please remember to vote and recommend this story to your friends! 523 views now! This chapter has 1159 words.

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