Friday, May 9th, 2014.

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Lullabies (Adventures Club Remix) - Yuna

Dear Bradley,

    I wanted to go away with you.

Forever in my mind, only you.

The pieces of my life run away with you.

You're my first love.

These are just the lyrics that are playing in my head as I write this note to you. You'll probably want to hear too, or maybe not but either way the song is Lullabies (Adventure Club Remix) by Yuna. My taste in music has definitely widened out since we've last talked, aha.

Here's another awkward moment for you that I just might regret... but more than likely I won't since I know that these letters will never be read by your eyes.

This song is a glimpse into how I felt towards you.

Unfortunately, it doesn't explain all the way since my feelings are extremely deep, almost to an unreachable length and is fierce with a quiet yet scolding fire that is forever burning deep inside of me.

No, this doesn't mean that I'm horny. It's how I feel whenever I was talking to you, thinking of you (which was all the time to be exact), and even now whenever I seem to ponder off back into our days I still seem to feel this low firey feeling that seems to stay lit.

It'll always be for you. This little fire will always remain, I know that. Even when I meet the guy who'll become my future husband, your little fire will still be there for you.

It surprises me at how much I'm actually spilling out into this letter, but that's before I realize it's because I know that these letters will never see the light of day.

Dear Bradley, Where stories live. Discover now