t w e n t y - f i v e

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Death too must be earned.


Taylor Valentine is an enigma.

He ran his hands over my past- lingering over the dents and worn edges of my heart. And he didn't run away like I thought he would. Instead he told me that I was strong. He told me I belonged. He told me he would always protect me.

And for that, I love him.

But loving him is like a pure raw madness, which I know I'll never recover from.

He has the power to ruin me.

He swore to protect me.

But he couldn't swear something that he couldn't carry out.

I was a target, I've always been a target. But now I was a member of one of the most terrifying gangs in all the state.

And a part of me knew I wouldn't survive this war.

Taylor skimmed his fingers across my cheek, planting a final kiss on the corner of my lips. His touch left sparks in its wake, sparks that danced with lust and desire in my blood.

"I don't want to stay in the room Tay, I want to fight." I whispered to him, wrapping my arms across his neck and snuggling into his embrace.

"No matter what you do, I'll be by your side Astrid. But please, stay here. I can't fight if I'm constantly looking to make sure you're safe." He mumbled back, hiding his face in my hair.

"Okay." I replied softly, despite having no intentions of listening to him.

"I'll be back soon. Don't leave this room." He commanded softly, moving his face closer to mine.

His lips met mine with such a force that I would've staggered back if he hadn't have been holding me close to him. Our tongues fought for dominance as butterflies flew violently around my stomach, his fingers tangled themselves gently in my hair and somehow pulled my head even closer to his.

I pulled away from him, panting slightly as I tried to catch my breath. My fingers touched my now swollen lips automatically, gazing at the boy in a haze of desire and pain.

He walked away from me without looking back. And I knew why.

That wasn't a normal kiss.

That was his goodbye.


"You have no intention of staying, do you?" I turned around to see Scarlett looking at me with a matter-of-fact stare, her arms were crossed. Addy stood a few steps behind her, gazing at me with the same heartfelt expression.

"I can't let him die alone." I swallowed, tucking the gun into my waistband and securing the knives in my belt. "You guys are my family now, I'd rather die for something I believe in than live my life without reason."

"Do me a favor." She proposed, a hopeful glint in her sad eyes.


"Devil's out there fighting with Dylan. Save him, if you can."

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