preference #17 when you're upset

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Harry: Usually when you're upset, Harry's always got you wrapped in his arms. He'll listen to you vent, going on and on about everything that went wrong in your day. He always finds a way to take your mind off of it all, if you know what I mean ;)

Niall: The two of you will lie in bed. He'll grab his guitar, playing all of your favorite songs. He'll try his very best at making you smile. When the guitar doesn't work, he'll run you a hot bath, and make you a hot cup of tea and just relax.

Zayn: He'll lay in bed with you, holding you tightly in his warm embrace. He'll softly sing songs to you, while you slowly drift off to sleep. When you wake up, you usually feel so much better.

Louis: To cheer you up he starts cracking jokes. He'll always end up getting a laugh out of you, and when he does they're usually followed by thousands more. With a boyfriend like him, there's simply no time for being upset!

Liam: He'll comfort you in any way possible. If he's out in the studio, or doing other work with the boys, he'll send you flowers at random hours of the day. Seeing his little notes attached, or simply the flowers themeselves, always put you in a much better mood.

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