7 | The Pocky Game

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Blythe followed Joshua's small bite with an even smaller bite, wanting Joshua to get the last bite and actually kiss her.

Joshua pushed his hair back and looked at Blythe, who was hoping Joshua would take the last bite and kiss her.

The group watched in tension as the couple looked at each other for a few seconds. Joshua's hair fell back into place, and Blythe smiled at the action of his hair.

Joshua opened his mouth, holding his hands out to reach Blythe's shoulders.

Joshua pulled Blythe towards him as he took a bite out of the pocky, eating all of it. Blythe grabbed his torso and pushed his mouth against her's as she kissed him back.

There was a little ew's and ah's, but the couple ignored them and broke from the kiss.

"Is it.. selfish to ask for.. for one more?" Joshua asked, panting from the kiss they had just done.

Without answering, Blythe pulled Joshua into another kiss, gripping his back as if they were hugging.

The second kiss was more passionate, the two falling to the floor and Blythe pushed Joshua against a wall.

Mimmy covered Chelsea's eyes as the two were kissing. Guren sighed in disappointment, who the hell was he going to kiss?

Ryusei didn't even look up from his computer, and Sin smirked since he knew who he was going to do the game with.

Blythe and Joshua stood up a few seconds later, holding hands. "Sorry for the long kisses." Joshua sighed, sitting down on the couch near Satori.

Blythe stood by her brother as Mimmy took out a pocky stick. Mimmy looked at Satori and winked, causing him to physically cringe.

"Yasaki-kun, it's your turn!~" Mimmy smirked, giving him the pocky stick.

Joshua gave Satori a thumbs up, causing him to sigh. Satori took the pocky stick and stood up, walking up to Erissa.

"Do you.. Are you.. Agh, can we play?" Satori asked, wanting permission to kiss. Erissa grabbed Satori's shoulders and nodded.

"I'm your's, Satou." Erissa smiled, grabbing the pocky out of Satori's hand and putting it in her mouth.

She waited as Satori grabbed the other end, biting it. This would be their second time kissing, since the last time they kissed was at the festival where they both confessed to each other.

Erissa bit her end of the pocky, not closing the distance between the two that much.

"Just hurry up, you two! We have so much other people to go!" Mimmy screamed, possibly losing her patience.

Satori looked at Erissa, who was blushing furiously. Satori knew she wasn't the type of person who liked these things, but Satori wanted to kiss her very very bad.

The way her lips looked, her innocent face looking up at him, it's no wonder Satori wanted to kiss her badly.

Unlike Joshua and Blythe, Satori had to be cautious in his relationship. One wrong move, be it sexual or not, could ruin their relationship.

Erissa knew this as well and tried hard not to resist Satori, because let's admit it, she wanted to kiss him badly too.

But, she was bad at reacting to many things, so sometimes, it came out the wrong way.

Satori mustered up his courage to kiss the former idol and took a large bite out of the stick, making their faces centimeters apart.

Erissa turned even more pink than her hair. Red, even. She couldn't believe what was happening, and they would kiss from a single pocky stick.

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