✧ Forgetful (Yoosung Kim)

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Requested by maknaedafne over on Quotev >w< I'm too lazy to edit it, so excuse any mistakes, but I hope you like it~

You paced restlessly in front of the cinema, checking your watch every few seconds with an impatient sigh and scanning the face of every person that passed.

Where was he?

The movie had started fifteen minutes ago; you were supposed to be meeting over half-an-hour ago.

A few minutes later you finally resorted to something you should've done from the start. Digging your phone out of your pocket, you quickly dialled the number of the boy you were supposed to be meeting and listened to the line ring with growing agitation.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered.

Your brows twitched. "Yoosung, where the hell are you?"

"Huh? [Y/N], what's wrong?" He sounded wide awake now.

You rolled your eyes in exasperation. "Don't tell me you forgot?

"Forgot what?"

"We were supposed to be going to the cinema after college, remember?" You said in a sharp, bitter tone. "Oh nevermind. Have a nice weekend, Yoosung."

"Oh shit! [Y/N] I'm so-"

You hung up before he could finish, relatively pissed with the boy who'd invited you out in the first place. You'd been really looking forward to this; you and Yoosung had been steadily growing closer over the past few weeks, and you'd hoped this might've been the perfect opportunity to tell him how you really felt.

And now he'd gone and blown the whole thing out of the window.

"Idiot," you muttered under your breath, zipping up your coat and beginning your slow, dejected walk back home, alone.

"Morning [Y/N]!" Yoosung called in a cheery voice as he walked into class the following Monday. As soon as your eyes landed on the grinning blond, you turned away coldly, dumping your bag on the seat next to you, where he usually resided. This, of course, didn't go unnoticed.

"Ehh, what's wrong?"

You pushed your bottom lip forward, unamused. "What do you think," you muttered sharply, not quite meeting his eye and instead focusing on the textbook propped open in front of you. The words on the page seemed to blur and mist from your wavering concentration.

"Are you still mad about Friday? I've already apologised! I didn't do it on purpose," he whined as the teacher walked in, calling for the students to settle. "Please [Y/N]. I don't like it when you're mad at-"

"Mr Kim. Take a seat please."

Giving you one last desperate glance, he trudged to the front of the room and slumped into one of the empty seats, his head falling into his hands.

You sighed, all of a sudden drained. Maybe you were overreacting a bit, but you wanted Yoosung to know how upset you were, so that he wouldn't make the same mistake in the future.

When the class had finished, you gathered your things and left before Yoosung could catch up with you. But you couldn't avoid him for long. As you were walking past the chemistry classroom on your way to the toilet, something latched onto your arm and you were pulled through the doorway, tripping over your own feet as you struggled to keep your balance. "What the- Yoosung!? Seriously?"

The blond looked nervous as you shrugged off his hand, shuffling his feet. "Sorry. I didn't think you'd talk to me if I just asked you," he mumbled, looking at you from beneath his lashes instead of facing you directly.

You sighed and crossed your arms, your face pinched. It didn't help that he was looking particularly cute today, with his hair clipped out of his face and a pale blue shirt hanging from his shoulders that brought out how lovely and bright his eyes were.

"What is it Yoosung?" You asked curtly, your voice sounding almost bored, impatient. You needed him to think you were still pissed, even though it was difficult not to forgive him when he was looking at you through those pouty eyes.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about Friday. It had been a long day and I was tired, so it completely slipped my mind. It was a dumb move."

"Yeah, it was," you agreed, and then sighed. "But I understand you didn't mean it. So I guess I forgive you."

Yoosung's eyes lit up, sparkling violet jewels, and he suddenly reached forward and took your hand in his. You immediately blushed at the contact, at the sudden heat, the sudden softness of his hand around yours. "I promise I'll make it up to you though, okay? How about you come to mine and I cook you a meal? I love cooking, and it'll be nice and romantic-"

"R-romantic?" You spluttered, wondering if you'd heard him right.

His eyes went wide, his cheeks heated up. He suddenly became all too aware of his hand still holding yours, and let it go as if it were burning him. "Oops, did I say that out loud?" He muttered, clearly embarrassed. "I meant-"

"I know what it meant," you said quickly, your heart doubling in speed. He wanted it to be romantic for you? "I-I'd really like that Yoosung. Romantic and all," you added with a bashful smile.

He fist pumped the air. "Really? Great! Aw, it'll be so much fun! I can't wait to show you my collection of video games. And I'll cook you your favourite meal too."

You laughed shyly, looking down at your feet but grinning widely. "I can't wait either, Yoosung."

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