Beach: part 2

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It was a four hour drive to the beach and I couldn't take it any longer being stuck with two arguing brothers and their loud mom.

"I gotta pee." Keith whined. I mentally groaned, we were about 30 minutes into the car ride. Why did he use the bathroom before we left?

"Bro no," Khris snapped. "You should've used it before we left the house."

"I forgot." Keith said, his mom just ignored him. "So, you just gonna let me pee my pants?"

His mom started to exit the freeway. "Ma, no let him hold it until we get to Miami."

"Bruh no!" Keith snapped. "What's wrong with you?"

"Shut the f-"

"Both of you be quiet!" Their mom yelled. "Now, imma stop at the gas station and all of yall are going to use the bathroom."

Khris kissed his teeth before unbuckling and making his way into the gas station. I step out and followed behind Keith, who was walking fast. He glanced back at me, stopped, turned around and grabbed ahold of my hand.

"I didn't have to pee," He smirked, squeezing my hand. "I just wanted to get some snacks and I knew my mom wouldn't let me until we got to Miami."

We walked into the station, hand in hand, and made our way to the candy aisle. "But, what if you have to use the bathroom later on?"

"I won't," he snapped. I snatched my hand away from and started to walk towards the bathroom. He was not about to be getting smart with me.

"Well I'm going to the bathroom." I opened the bathroom door and walked in, locking it behind me. I did my business and went to wash my hands but stopped to look at myself in the mirror.

I had bags under my eyes and my lips were dry. I glanced down at my clothes and straightened my shirt. I pulled up my pants and turned around to see the back of myself in the mirror. I glanced up and saw how messy my hair was. I went to redo my bun but stopped.

Why all of a sudden I care about my appearance?

I giggled and washed my hands and walked out the bathroom. Keith came rushing up to me, holding a bag full of candy and snacks, and grabbed my hand again, leading us back to the car. When we got back inside the car he turned to me, handed me a Sprite and a Hershey's bar.

"Thanks." I said, opening up the Sprite. He just winked at me and ate his bag of Hot Cheetos.


I placed my luggage on the floor of the hotel room. The hotel room was huge. It had two queen sized beds, a full kitchen and a full bathroom. It was big for a hotel but small for four people to share.

"Ok," Keith's mom started, "I'm going to go pick up your aunt."

"Can we go to the pool?" Keith asked.

"Uh, sure, but if you drown, I'm beaten your ass."

Keith laughed looking threw his suitcase.

"I'm not going." Khris said.

"No one asked you to go." Keith snapped back, starting an argument.

Keith's mom walked out the door before they started arguing back and forth. It ended with Khris threatening Keith and Khris walking out the hotel room heated.

"Man, I can't wait until he moves out." Keith said to me, pulling on his swim trunks and taking off his shirt.

"Don't say that. You're gonna miss him when he's gone."

"Shut up." He joked and walked up to me playfully pushing me. "Put your swimsuit on."

I hesitated. "I don't... wanna go swimming."

"I don't care where you wanna go, but we going swimming."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" I snapped back.

"Listen," He evilly chuckled. "You're testing my patience. Now put your damn swimsuit on before my mom gets back."

"Don't talk to me like that." I said. "And I'm not going."

I took a seat on the bed and kicked off my shoes. I didn't feel like going swimming after being in a car for more than fours with Keith sleeping and drooling all over me. I was yanked up by Keith and pushed in the bathroom.

"Stay here." He said.

I didn't.

Went right back to the bed and laid down. I had gotten comfortable but was yanked up again. "Alana, you pissing me off!"

"Why? Because I'm tired?"

He handed me my bathing suit. "Put this shit on."

"I'm not."

"You are."




"Shut the fuck up!" Khris yelled, walking back into the hotel room. "Arguing like y'all some damn babies."

"You shut up and mind your damn business." Keith yelled back. Grabbing my hand and leading me out the hotel room.

"Keith! I don't have on any shoes." I said.

"That's ok, because we're going swimming. And you don't need shoes for that."

"Keith." I whined, poking my lip out. "I don't wanna go."

Once we were in the elevator, he turned to me. "I only wanted you to come to Miami, so I wouldn't be lonely. My mom is going to be out with my aunt all day and my brother wants nothing to do with me."

"But we're going to the beach tomorrow. We can swim there."

He stepped closer to me. "But why wait when there's a pool here?"

I groaned. "You didn't even let me change."

He smiled. "Change now."

I looked at him shocked. "In this elevator?"

He nodded.

"In front of you?"

He gave me a straight. "The amount of times you've spent the night at my place, you ain't got nothin I ain't seen."


Same goes for him, too.

I nodded. "But we're about to get off the elevator."

"Damn you're right." He said. "We'll find a bathroom."

I had changed and we had finally made it to the pool. Keith had already jumped into the pool and I was just testing the water with my feet.

It's cold.

There was about three other people here. An old woman reading a book and a couple. I stood up when I saw Keith get out the water and backed away from him. "Keith, I don't want to play right now."

"Come here." He smirked, reaching for me.

"No," I snapped. "You're just gonna try and throw me in the water."

"I'm not." He chuckled. "Come here, there's something on your back."

I slowly walked towards and turned around. I felt him pinch my back and then I️ was lifted off my feet. I️ felt the cold water freeze my whole body before I️ quickly jumped out the water. "Keith!"

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