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Enjoy! Keith above!

I rolled my eyes as I felt Keith nudge up against me as we were walking out of the classroom.

"Roll yo eyes again and see what happens." He joked, before bumping into me, purposely.

I was still shocked to find Keith, my middle school bestfriend, here at college. I remember it like yesterday when he told me he was moving.


I was swinging on the swings as I waited for Keith who had told me to meet him in the park that was in our apartment complex. I was getting really impatient, because it was getting dark out and I knew I had to be back home before it got too dark.

"Alana." I heard a squeaky voice say behind me. I turned around to see a skinny boy behind me.

"Keith." I said, slowing down on my swing only for him to come up and slightly begin pushing me. "What did you have to tell me?"

"Can I just relax first, like damn, I just got here." He said.

I cringed at him cursing. I didn't like curse words. "W-well I can't be out here too long."

He stopped me from swinging and moved to the swing beside me. He sat down and turn to stare at me, before looking back down at his shoes. I began to swing again which annoyed him.

"Stop swinging." He said, kissing his teeth before standing to get in front of me. He grabbed at my swing before sighing. "I'm moving."

I stared blankly at him. "What?"

"You heard me."

"Where?" I said, giving him my full attention.

"New York." He said sitting back down at his swing.

I immediately stood up. That was so far from Florida. I just couldn't believe it.

"What why?"

"Because," He snapped, standing to his full height. "The rest of my family lives up there anyway. So, my mom wants to be around them. Plus, she found a better job."

"When?" I said, starting to tear up. I was about to lose my bestfriend. My only friend.

"We leave in two days."

I stomped my foot. "Why are you just now telling me this?" By this time, I was completely crying.

He walked up to me and pulled me in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, too."

"So you're just going to leave me here? All alone?" I said, trying to break from his hug.

"I don't have a choice." He said, trying to comfort me.

"I wish I could come with you." I said, hugging him back.

"Imma call everyday, okay? Unless I get a girlfriend then you beat." He laughed, playfully pushing my head.

"That's not funny." I said, trying to free myself.

He kissed his teeth before forcefully pulling me into a hug. "I'm playing, damn."

"Stop cursing."

"Stop crying." He said smirking. "Big ass baby, but you my baby."


I guess that Keith has grown into a man now, but he seems to be still childish and grumpy as before. He didn't seem to paying me as much attention as he use to. After we left the park he didn't talk to me until the day he left and even then he didn't seem to want anything to do with me.

We did talk on the phone, but not everyday and then eventually, like a month later, we broke off and never talked again. Well until today.

"What's your next class?" He said smiling too hard at his phone.


"Damn, can I ask a question? I'm just trying to start a conversation with your boring ass." He snapped, before playfully pushing my head. Something he use to always do.

"Um I have Physics next." I said. "But it doesn't start for another hour and a half."

"Oh," He said, not paying any attention to me but to his phone.

"I'm going back to my dorm." I said, walking in the opposite direction of where we were going.

"Oh," He said, texting away on his phone. "Wait where you going?"

"I just said to my dorm." I snapped.

"Don't be catching no fucking attitude with me, you know I don't play that shit." He said running to catch up with me.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said lowly, opening the door to my dorm building with Keith still following me.

I stopped in front of my dorm and was looking in my bag to find my keys when Keith roughly bumped into me, causing some of my papers to fall out my bag.

"My fault." I kissed my teeth and bent over to pick them up only for Keith to poke my butt.

"Yo little booty." He said, laughing. I just brushed it off and opened the door to my dorm. My eyes widen when I saw Shaquana sitting on her bed watching something on her laptop. She just glanced at me but immediately sat up when she saw Keith walk in behind me.

"Hey Keith." She said, getting off the bed. I think she's trying to hug him or something.

Keith was literally in his phone not paying attention to anything. "Wassup."

I put my bag on my desk and took out my laptop about to review some of the work we learned in Calculus. Keith walked right past Shaquana before kicking his shoes off and jumping on my bed.

"Alana, you got any food?" He said, making himself comfortable.

"I have some goldfish." I said, sitting at my desk. I glanced at Shaquana, who was just standing there awkwardly looking at him.

I hope she isn't expecting him to actually want to be with her. She should've never had sex him when she didn't even know him. He's clearly a player. I kind of felt bad.

"I don't want no damn dry ass goldfish." He said, looking at me.

"Um Keith." I said, trying to get him to acknowledge Shaquana.

"What?" He snapped. "If you ain't got food, then don't talk to me."

"This is my roommate, Shaquana." I said, pointing towards her, but he didn't look up from his phone.

"I said wassup already girl." He said sounding annoyed.

I rolled my eyes which I tried to hide but he saw. I stood up when he stood up, because I was not about to be trapped in my chair by him. He liked to play fight too much, especially when we were younger.

"We've already met," Shaquana said, stepping forward towards him. "At the party last night."

"Y'all did?" I said, acting dumb. I saw him examine her.

"I was high as hell last night. You sure you met me?" He said scratching his head.

Shaquana went wide eyed. "Yes."

"Aw damn, did we fuck or something?"

My mouth dropped. How could you be so blunt about something? I swear this child.


wasssssssup y'all ❤️ I'm really liking this story tbh

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