Abandoned on a Moonlit Night

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  • Dedicated to All Vocaloid fans out there

Fourteen years passed…

 “Eve, my dear, they’ve grown so fast…” muttered Adam. “Yes, I can see it…” replied Eve. “I think… you know… We should return them back to their relatives before they find out about what happened to their real mother.” He suggested. Eve frowned. She really wants to take care of the twins since the beginning. She never wanted to be apart from them. She sighed, “If it’s for the best…” she said. Adam smiled. 

 The twins, namely ‘Hansel’ and ‘Gretel’, are now 14 years old. For the past years, the two have been living in the Moonlit residence, without even knowing the truth. They were doing their chores when Adam approached them. “Hey, do you want to go to the city tomorrow…?” Adam encouraged. “Why yes! Dear father.” They replied. Adam smiled and patted their heads. Eve, sitting on the chair while watching the scene, smiled. I guess this might be the last time I will see those precious smiles… The family woke up early, packed their things, and headed off to the city. 


 “Look there, Gretel! That house is big and wide!!” Hansel elbowed Gretel. Gretel stood in awe. “Now, now children… Behave yourselves.” Eve said. “Where are we going?” asked Hansel. Adam replied, “We will visit someone…” After a few hours of walking, they finally reached their destination. Adam knocked on the huge, big door. The door is made out of fine wood, and is detailed. The knobs are stainless gold, with dragon-head designs that made the twins hide behind their mother’s back. “I guess no one’s home…” Adam whispered. After a few seconds, a lady in a blue, frilly dress opened the door. “How may I help you?” she said, in a gently but elegant way. “May we speak with… Uhm… Madam Grace…?” Eve muttered. “Please, do come in.” The lady smiled, pointing their way in. 

 As they made their way in, a woman approached the family. “Are you Madam Grace…?” Adam asked. “So you are the Moonlit couple. If I’m not wrong…” she said. “May we speak with you for a moment…?” said Eve. The three advanced their way to the dark, long hallway. Eve stopped for a moment; she crouched in front of the twins. “You stay here.” She said. The two nodded. Eve walked briskly, for a while; she looked back at them and frowned and continued walking. 

 “I wonder what they’re talking about…” said Gretel, who was sitting on the couch, swaying her two little legs back and forth. “Maybe it’s about business and stuff.” Hansel said, looking at the huge chandelier on the ceiling. After a while, they heard footsteps advancing. They stopped with what they're doing and ran to their parents. Eve croutched and embraced them. "Mother, what is it...?" The two whispered. Eve wanted to cry... But she can't nor she must not. She hugged them tightly; she sobbed and whispered in their ears, "We will be back. I promise...". She let them go, with a confused look on their faces. Adam patted their heads.. "Behave yourselves... Okay...?" he said, wearing a sad smile on his face. The couple went out of the house, leaving the two kids. "Eh...?" they said.

 "Do you think they'll be alright...?" Eve keep on muttering. "Don't worry... Everything's going to be alright." Adam hesitated. "But, what if they don't eat their breakfast...? What if Madam Grace... What is they leave the place and... Wha-" she kept on worrying. Adam held her hand, he kept on reminding her that everything's going to be alright... 

Or so they thought...


Meanwhile, in Levianta...

  The skies were pitch-black. Huge clouds of smoke filled the air. Masses of debri are everywhere. The townspeople kept on running, panicking. There were famines, diseases, and epidemics, which affected the neighboring countries of Levianta. Even the Elphegort kingdom suffered consequences, too.Yes, this is the famous "Fire Disaster of Levianta". Elluka Clockworker, a famous scientist, "accidentally" burned her laboratory, causing the huge fire disaster.  

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