Chapter 11

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Rihanna was on the verge of tears. She tried to stop the tears but they kept coming and I don't think they would stop not now at least.

Rihanna P.O.V

Why? I thought she was done with her i thought it's was us and us only. I can't believe this. I don't know what to do with myself. Do I yell and tell her to go to my office and break everything up? I couldn't bring myself to do that it was too quite and deadly for me to even step in.


The bell went off. "Go get to class before you get lunch detention for being late" I said. Kids ran to class quickly and murmurs ran all though the hallway with those kids. The three people I was hoping would be the first ones gone stayed there like it was the wild wild west. I called them all by their last name's and told them to get to class. I just wanna go home and never see this school and everyone in it again including (y/n).

Readers P.O.V

I got into class and I put my head down and was ready to cry I didn't know why both of these girls had strings attached to my heart every time I got too close to one girl the other would yank my strings harder than before.

Kylie P.O.V

(Y/n) was ignoring me in person, over text, on social media , even on the phone I was getting ignored. I started to hang out with Travis he's a nice guy once you get to know him. He said he had a feeling today wasn't gonna be a good day. Of course my response was how can it be a bad day it's me and you angst the world baby and I'll show you bundle of love and affection so that your day is perfect.

As soon as I started to love on him every one was shocked that I wasn't with (y/n) I really only did the whole lovey dubby thing with her. I didn't mind the attention that much I mean my ex(?) had a dick and boobs so the people being crowned around me asking questions I'm used to it. The only person in that group of people surrounding me and Travis that bothered me was (y/n) I was kind of scared of what she would do. Then I realized she's been ignoring me so why would she get mad?

Narrator P.O.V

None of them knew what they all did to each other that's the worst part of it all Rihanna didn't know how much Kylie had hurted (y/n). Kylie didn't know there was another and that the other was the principal. (Y/n) didn't know that she was ignoring Kylie so much that it drove her away.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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