Chapter 5

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Your pov

Im gonna ask her out. I can do this. Its only Rihanna its not like im asking Harry styles a singer out just an amazing school principal. I got a plan i can get into the school at 7:30. The other students don't get in till 7:50. She comes at 7:40. Perfect i got this all down now time to sleep.

~Time Skip to 7:40~

"Hey Tate." I waved at the red haired girl. "Oh hey (y/n)!" She got all excited. "Sweet cheeks can you do me a favor?" I asked. "What is it?" She raised an eyebrow. "I need to get into the school." I stated. "Ok but one thing i want a cookie a hug and kiss on the cheek." She said with a prod voice.

"Geez ok and you say your straight." I exaggerate laughing a little. I lean in for a hug and kiss the crook of her neck. "Ill get your cookie after school!" I said as i tap her butt and walk away. I looked at the clock in the office its 7:45.

I grabbed a pice of paper and wrote

Will you go out on a date with me?
~ ???

I drew some hearts all around it. Decorating it. Then i had to find a hiding place. Once I found a good place under her desk and i just started to wait. A few minutes later i heard the door open. I hear her heals clack over to the desk.

Thats when I popped up and said. "Fenty will you go out with me?" She smiled from ear to ear. "Of course (y/n)!" She jumped into you arms. "Were are we going?" She asked. "Its a surprise just dress comfortable." She nodded her head. I leaned in for a kiss then.

RING                  RING.            RING

The bell went

"Gotta go babe see you later." I waved to the black haired girl.  I can't wait till our date were going to have so much fun.

Hey guys where shall the Lovely couple go? You guys pick and comment. 😊❤️ have a great day or  a good sleep.

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