Chapter 6

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Sorry for the wait, and if you have to blame something then blame it on Victuuri (love everyone who knows what this is)

**IMPORTANT** Imagine Mrs. Sprites house as a yellow one-story classic house with a porch and white railings. There is also a more run-down fence surrounding the backyard.

Third person (following Danny):

Danny can't believe he agreed to Mrs. Sprites conditions. He can't just go out and pretend he know how to be social. It'll just kill the confidence he did have. This is a terrible idea. Why would the young man even listen to her? His mind answered, 'she's the only constant friend you have.' Danny stopped complaining in his head after that thought. He can't let her get disappointed in him because he isn't social enough, and besides it could be good.

A picture of him and Vlad talking and laughing popped into his head. Danny was taken off guard and stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk, making the gentleman behind him run into the previously moving man. Danny mumbled an apology, still stuck in his past though.

Sure Danny had been thinking about the man since he ran into him, but to think of them talking like old friends. It was curious to imagine a man you barely know into a situation where you spent a lot of time together. Danny finally shook his head and continued walking to Mrs. Sprites house.

It takes Danny one bus ride and to walk three blocks to get to Mrs. Sprites house, but he thinks it is a small price to pay to see the old woman. Except on this occasion, he knew he would be chewed out by her after planting the flowers he promised. Danny could already feel the uncomfortable conversation he was going to get.

Sooner than he would have liked, Danny reached the front door of Mrs. Sprites and his traitorous hand was knocking on the door. It took a few seconds before the door opened revealing a Mrs. Sprites smiling with a wide smile.

"You going to just stand there or come in?" Mrs. Sprites says with a cheeky smile and wrinkles forming around her eyes.

"Course not, just delaying the inevitable is all."

"Oh hush now. We'll get to that later. For now, you need to start with the first housework and that's-"

Danny cuts her off, "Do you want lemon cake or lemon cookies today?"

"I think cookies would be great. The oven is already heated and I have enough of the ingredients in the pantry" Mrs. Sprites informs her unofficial helper of the day. Danny got started with making the old woman a treat they could eat after he did all the housework she needed today, seeing she herself couldn't complete it in her old age.

Danny started on the cookies preparing the dough and then the frosting that goes on top. Mrs. Sprites and Danny talked about trivial things like the weather as he worked. He cut them into flower shapes just the way his friend likes them. Then quickly placed them in the oven and set a timer to let her know when she should take them out.

Danny asked before leaving the kitchen, "Where are the flowers you want to be planted for the front and back yards?"

"In the garage as always, you should know this by now, and I would prefer the pink ones to go in the front and the yellow ones to go in the back by the gate." Mrs. Sprites answered.

Danny nodded his understanding and when outside to get to work. The dark haired man enjoyed planting flowers, he just disliked the digging-a-hole-first portion of it. He'd much rather plant the flowers than dig a hole for them. Danny started in the backyard because he wanted to stay in the shade the house provided and try not to think of the ache he would have after he completed his work. The young man made quick work and soon he was heading to the front to plant the pink flowers he had no idea what the name was.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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