Chapter 1

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Mikes POV
As El leaned her head against my forehead I felt..I felt....complete again.i wonder she understands that we know kissed. I feel complete because I have missed her. So so much. Im still mad at hopper but I think I will get over it.
I have wanted this so badly. To hold her again. To be able to feel her lips pressed against mine again. I missed knowing the feeling that I won't be sad when I wake up. I remember that day when I told El that we would go to the snowball together. And then I kissed  her. I wish i got more of a reaction out of her that night but I will take what I can get now. I wonder what she is thinking right now.

El's POV
I don't know what is going on right now exactly but I like it. I like the feeling of being in Mike's arms. I like the feeling of my hands wrapped around his neck. I like the feeling of having my head against his. I feel sweaty and nervous but I also feel calm and relaxed. I wonder why. I liked pressing my lips against his. I really want to do that more with mike. It feels wrong to do it whenever I want though but I will ask him about it. I feel a bit more uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe it is because I am nervous. Or maybe it is the fact that I have have not seen him in over 353 days. I remember having mike press his lips against mine a long time ago. I liked it back then to. I remember him telling me that I would stay with him back then to. He promised and friends don't lie so I will be ok knowing that, that will happen. I'm happy to be here with him.

No ones POV
As soon as the slow song ended a more upbeat song came on. Mike began to move slightly away from eleven.El gives a small smile. Mike does to.
"What do we now" el asked confused
"I don't really know" mike said awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets
"Do sit down" mike says slowly. El nods her head with a small smile. Mike grabs el's hand and takes her to the bleachers.
"Your hair got longer" mike pointed out
El softly puts her hand on her hair. She then looks at mike.
"Pretty?" Ell asks
"Yeah really pretty" mike smiles
"You are taller" Elle exclaims
"Oh yeah well you know time fly's" mike says
El gives mike a confused life look.
"Oh yeah you don't get the saying time fly's" mike realizes. El nods her head.
"What does time fly's mean." El asks
"It means like time carries on really fast without even realizing" mike explain
"Ok" el smiles
" I missed you" mike says out of the blue
"I did to. I visited  you all the time in my mind" el smiles
"Really?" Mike asks. El nods.
"I always thought about you" el admit's. Mike smiles at that
" I see you have extended your vocabulary" mike noticed
"" El questions
"It's like what you can say. I guess not that much though huh." Mike explains once more. El looks down shamefully.
"Oh no no no that's ok It's fine I get it.  it's alright." mike says lifting up el's chin,
"Its not your fault El" mike reassures her
Mike heard another slow song come on.
" wanna go dance again" mike says looking at the dance floor. El nods her head again. Mike and El get up and began to dance. They smiled at each other. Just then all of a sudden mike finds himself falling to the floor. He looks up and it's Troy.
"Hey Frog face why don't you introduce me to the girl that is way out of your league" Troy says with his buddy behind him. Troy then looks at el and grabs her hand.
"Why don't you and I get out of here and ditch frog face here"
Troy had not recognized El having new hair and all. Mike was outraged. He stood up and shouted "back off Troy leave her alone"
"Make me frog face" Troy says angrily
Mike pushes Troy but Troy doesn't budge.
"Is that the best you got?" Troy questioned. El runs to mike and helps him up."
"Mike are you ok?" El asks concerned 
"Yeah" mike said wiping the blood off his nose
"Mouth breather" el looks at Troy angrily
"It's fine el" mike reassures her. mike begins to walk towards Troy but el grabs his shoulder
"No mike let's go" el says seriously
"Fine" mike gives in. They begin to walk to the exit.
"Yeah run away with your dumb ugly. And fake girlfriend"
Mike stopped. He turned around and walked towards Troy. El knew she couldn't stop him at this point.
"You can say mean things to me and my friends. You can push me and my friends around. You could beat me until I puke......but You will not bring her into this Troy." Mike said very seriously.
"I have no problem beating you" Troy says. He was about to push mike again when el go in front of mike.
"No" el says looking at Troy with a deadly look.
"Get out of my way" Troy pushes el's to the ground.this enraged mike and when Troy was giving high fives to his friends mike punches Troy in the stomach as hard as he can. Troy wheezes and the punches mike in the eye. Mike puts his hands over his eye. Mike then gets a good idea. When Troy went to punch mike again mike ducked and punched mike in the gut again. When Troy is caught off guard mike then kicks Troy in the.... (well you know where) Troy falls to his knees and then mike punches Troy in the eye. Mike's knuckles were red. He turned around to see el still on the floor. He quickly walked to her and helped her up. Mike looked around and realized that people had crowded.
"Shows over" mike yelled
"C'mon el let's go." Mike grabbed el's hand and brought el over to his bike. Mike hopped in his bike with el behind him and began to ride home. El held on to mike's waist tightly. Mike felt a hot burn on his cheek. Soon mike and El got home.
Hope you enjoyed my first chapter of Promise. I think this was a good direction. Bye

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