Ch. 3

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We sat in Sandra's bedroom. Sandra, Sadie, Della and me. We all waited silently for Sandra to spill the beans.

She met each of our eyes and somehow it felt as if we were doing a sacred ceremony. With the excitement slowly building, bubbling over the edges.

"So do all of you know who Brent is? Have I clued all of you in on him?" Sandra asked. She seemed a little afraid to speak, but in her defence I probably looked close to a crazed animal, that might snap, and chomp your hand off at any moment.

"YES! Now who the frig is mystery boy!!!" I almost, but practically, screamed.

"Alright, alright i'll spill," she said, "His name is Decan Orre. He came to our school with his cousin.. Brent Ray. Apparently, his parents passed away in a car crash. His aunt, Brent Rays mom, is Decans god mother as well as aunt, so she gained custody."

Poor juice boy, I thought. I run a hand through my hazel hair. I feel kinda bad now about not wanting to give him a chance.

We went into silence after that.

"Thats sad," commented Della, breaking the silence.

"Poor guy," said Sadie shaking her head slightly. Her black curls springing side to side.

"My parents go to the same community group meetings as Mrs. Ray. My moms pretty close to her, and thats how she found out about Decan. They told me when I walked into the dining room, and they were talking about it." Explained Sandra.

I stared down at the peach blanket beneath me, it covered the bed. I thought for a minute. I had a plan.


"Knock on the door," I said, impatiently to Sandra.

The trey of cookies I was holding held almost 100 giant chocolate chip cookies. Me and Sandra baked them, 3 hours earlier after Della and Sadie left Sandra's house. Which is a good thing because they would of eaten the cookies before they were even cooked.

We were now standing in front of the Rays home. Sandra's hand frozen in front of the door. Her glittery fingernails shinning. 

I sighed, "fine, hold this!" I said shoving the cookie trey into her hands. she could put those shinny salon nails to use. 

I knocked loudly on the door. the door was solid wood with a triangular glass window. wood of the door made my knuckles sore. 

All of a sudden we heard a squeaking noise from above us, and then a shout, "now!".

We were soon covered from head to toe in, what I hoped was just water.

Running footsteps, and the door was pulled open to reveal both, Decan and Brent. Grinning from ear to ear.

Though, when they got a good look at us, there mouths dropped open.

"Shit," said Decan, staring in shock. He stood in a white t-shirt and red and black plaid pajama pants. leather jacket gone. his brown hair messy.   

"I see those apologies of yours haven't gotten any better." I say pulling my hair to one side of my head and squeezing the water out of it.

I guess I was getting used to his antics. Seeming how, I didn't feel like ringing his neck. Not just yet anyway...

"Sorry. we thought you were someone else," Brent said. He acted as if we weren't worth his time. He leaned cooly against the wall that led into the banister for the stairs. A pair of navy blue jeans lose on his hips and a grey full t-shirt stretched across his chest that was covered by his folded arms. unlike decan he had curly short brown hair that waved out at the top but was cut short a the sides. And his eyes were grey. 

It irked me. "Well then, maybe you both need glasses. Or bigger brains!" I grounded out. I grabbed the trey, of now soggy cookies, from Sandra.

"These are for you two. Enjoy." I said flatly. I then shoved the trey into Brent's arms, hard. which he quickly readjusted to catch them. 

I grabbed Sandra by the arm, because I believe she was still frozen to the spot, and started to pull her away when Decan called out, "you guys come in till you dry off. It's the least we can do."

Maybe it was a stupid idea. I mean, we didn't know them well and we probably could of been killed or locked up in the basement. But I entered anyway, dragging Sandra along with me.

Brent closed the door behind us.

"I'll go grab you some towels." Decan said. He then took off up the stairs, which were right in front of the door, but there was lots of room to stand.

Sandra and I, stood on the carpeted entry way. I don't think there parents were home, which made me uneasy.

"Do you talk?" This came from the gorilla called Brent. He was directing the question to Sandra.

She looked a little startled, guess she wasn't expecting that.

"I-I do just....have nothing really to say," she said. She played with the the sleeve of her sweater nervously. She wore her pink faux sherpa hoodie. it was the same color as her strawberry blond hair.  

"You scared of me?" Brent asked, continuing his interrogation. he puffed up his shoulder a little which were hugged tightly by his grey t-shirt. 

Sandra opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted as Decan thumped down the stairs carrying 2 really fluffy towels.

They looked like heaven by this point because my teeth were chattering and I was shivering from head to toe. and for a split second I wonder how warm Decan is. 

Decan came down and I grabbed the towel greedily from him.

"Thanks," I said, wrapping the towel tightly around me.

Sandra took the towel with less enthusiasm then I did, wrapping it carefully around herself.

Decan lead us to the living room. Once I got seated I looked around the room.

The room was rectangular. Painted a light creamy yellow, the furniture around the room matched it nicely with there soft brown colours, around the entry way were brown wood shelves built into the walls, filled with hard covered books and nick-nacks, There were 2 couches on each side of the room, a coffee table and a flat screen tv attached attached to the wall.

"I absolutely love your living room!" I exclaimed.

They chuckled "thanks, I guess,"

Brent said.

"Did you guys have anything to do with the picture on Hopes locker today?" Sandra blurted out

"Picture?" Brent asked, looking slightly confused. He turned to Decan, to see what he had to say about the question.

Decan kinda just sat there, realization came across his face. his green and gold eyes flashing. 

"Alex, that bastard!" He said shaking his head. He turned to me, "i'm so sorry. I had nothing to do with it. I thought he deleted it,"

I smiled softly, "it's alright." Decans carefree way of acting was contagious. i could already feel myself calm down. 

"We should get him back!" Said Sandra, smiling mischievously.

And just like that it was gone. 

"I'm in." Stated Brent, maybe just a little to quickly.

"How bout you, Decan?" I asked, turning to him.

He smiled widely, brown hair flopping, "definitely,"

"Then i'm in too," I said, nodding my head convincingly. I have a feeling this boy could get me to do anything. 


Hey :) sooo this wasn't edited so ignore the mistakes anyway enjoy. If you like vote and comment or fan :)

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