Ch. 2

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I turned slowly, thinking to myself maybe I could deny it or possibly make a run for it. Sadness filled me once I saw they were blocking the exit, or at least the hall leading to the exit.

"Yes..." I said cautiously, looking at the boy I was now starting to strongly hate.

This was the first time I actually got a good look at him. His eyes were green and gold, not boring. He had broad shoulders and black/brown hair, that was a little shaggy in a kind of cute way. he wore a black t-shirt and a faux leather jacket with a grey speckled hoodie inside. His clothes didn't look expensive. he wore an off brand pair of dark jeans and non descrete black sneakers. His bag though was from some sports company. 

"Ya....sorry bout that. But you gotta admit it was kinda funny," he said, chuckling towards the end of his sentence.

no, no it wasn't.

"Well you weren't the one getting spilled on." I stated, grumpily. I then closed my locker door, maybe a little to hard. Ok, so maybe I slammed it. "listen I gotta get going so if you can so kindly  scoot your kaboot outta here that would be great." 

"I think that was the nice way of her telling you to fuck off bro." 

I turned and shot a glare at his friends. A death glare. not knowing which one of the had said it since juice spiller over here was tall enough to block my whole vision of whats behind him. My back was against my locker and he stood a little to close for comfort. 

"Thank you for your sucky apology. Now can you please move out of the way so I can leave?" I asked, as kindly as my anger would let me.

"Fine, but first your going to tell me your name." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest with his friends copying his movement.

Some how his friends reminded me of the saying, 'monkey see, monkey do'. even one with blond hair and brown eyes tried to dress like juice boy wearing a similar faux leather jacket.

"And what? you're going to hold me captive if I don't juice boy?" I asked sarcastically.

his friends belt out laughing. "juice boy!" the screeched their big monkey boy bodies slamming and fist bumping. 

"Ok now you asked for it. I'm not moving" he replied back, a gleam to his eyes.

Ok, I was done talking. If he wouldn't let me leave i'll just have to make him.

I smirked, "so that's a no then?". And with that I stabbed my heal, of my boots, onto his foot with all my strength.

This would of worked if I actually had strength, balance and most importantly coordination.

I missed his foot completely, let out a shriek, and landed face first into his chest.

His arms came around me. A little to help me catch my balance, and a little out of reflex, I guess.

I pulled back immediately. My face as red as a tomato. His face was a little flushed too which surprised me but then realized i am not the lightest and it might have been a workout just to hold me up right. Oh gosh.

His friends were, of course, dying with laughter. I think some were even crying.

"Shut up," I growled shoving past him. I then ran to the exit, eager just to get out.

-some time later--

It was Wednesday morning now. I was sitting in my Period 2 geography class with Sandra.

"So the guy that was walking with mystery boy, you know the one I said I knew?" She asked, grinning.

I nodded remembering what guy she was referring too.

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