Chapter 9

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I ran all the way to his house. Which was actually pretty exhausting for a small town where everyone was practically neighbours. My legs were long and lanky but not physically fit. luckily my addiction for wearing leggings payed off and i was able to move freely.

When I jogged up Decan's drive way, his parents cars weren't there. Though Brent's was. I felt relieved his parents would not see me in my sweaty, un athletic shape. Ya I didn't really think this quite through.

I knocked on the door, then bent over gasping for air. The door creaked open. "Hey this isn't really...wait what are you doing?" Brent had answered the door and now stared down at me looking a little weirded out.

I held up a finger for him to give me a minute. I was still out of breath. sweat showing on my grey hoodie.

Once I finally caught my breath I straightened immediately, "where's Decan?" I asked, straight out with it.

"Um he's here but-" he started, but then I shoved past him into the house.

I walked towards the living room past Brent. "Sorry Brent but I'm on a mis-"

I stopped dead in my tracks. There, on their stupid fancy couches, sat Decan. WITH BUNNY ON TOP OF HIM. her straight blong hair swooping over his face and her long legs straddling him on his tan couch. Ew ew ew ew ew.

"Shit.." Brent muttered, once he caught up with me.

Decan looked up, pushing Bunny off of him.

"Hope? Um wait what are you doing here?" He asked confused, then he looked down at Bunny who was now sprawled on the floor, and his eyes widened, "oh Hope no! We weren''s not-"

I bolted. I think my brain stopped working at this point. I began rambling non sense as I ran,"nope, nope, nope. Not happening. Retracing steps."

When I reached outside again It was still cool out, spring just beginning. Someone was watering their lawn. I scared them with my crazy rambling and my running, that the old man holding the hose jumped, and sprayed me, accidentally with freezing cold water. My grey hoodie and black leggings clung to me. I kept running though.

I got home, opened the front door, and couldn't make it to my room. I fell to the ground and lay face down on my house's wooden floors, in front of the front door. The realization of how crappy my life was consuming me.

"Honey, what are you doing?"my mom asked coming out of the kitchen. She held a red and white cloth in her hand and must have been finishing up the dishes.

"My life sucks."

"Why are you wet?" My dad asked. He must have also came out of the kitchen. He sounded very confused.

"I got sprayed with a hose."

"Wait honey are you being bullied?!? Did some bully be mean to you? Who is he I'll call his parents??"

"Mom, no one is bullying me," I reassured her, as I rolled onto my back, "unless you count life as a bully," I sat up then, and pushed myself to my feet. "I'm gonna go up to my room now."

"Oh ok honey, are you ok though? Do you want cookies?" She asked, concerned. My dad stood beside her, his arms crossed across his brown sweater.

I may have not mentioned this before but my parents were a pretty odd couple. My mom was taller then my dad by a couple inches. My mom had long hazel hair like mind but green eyes. While my dad was bald, slightly chubby, with the same hazel eyes as mine. My dad and mom were both....different from what you would consider regular parents. Sometimes I was more adult then they were. But they were nothing less then amazing to me, and I would always love them.

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