Chapter 7

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"Ahhh!" I shrieked, falling over the edge of my bed, arms flailing in the air. I landed on top of my mini

garbage can. That unfortunately had a half eaten yogurt in it I had thrown out earlier.

"You've never been the lucky one have you?" Blake laughed.

I got up, yogurt sticking to my back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, stretching out the you in annoyance.

"We need to talk." He stated.

"How about no and you go fall off a cliff?" I suggested sweetly.

"Hope. I would not be here if what I had to say wasn't important."

"Fine! Just get out for a min so I can change my top!" I huffed. I hated him with a passion.

I took longer then I needed to change. I thought maybe he would get tired of waiting, and just leave. But nope. He was there when I opened the door to my bedroom.

He stepped in as I turned, and went, and sat at my computer chair. Swivelling around to face him, he then began.

"You and Sadie need to make up," He stated.

"I thought she was to busy 'making out' with you." I sneered

"The thing is, I actually like her,"

I stared at blake in disbelief. The guy that I dated for a year and was always there for me. But also the guy who broke my heart.

"Like you said you actually liked me?" I asked.

He went quiet, starring at me with his big brown eyes.

"I did like you. Just things...happen. And I know that does not make what I did right, but I am sorry," he apologized running a hand through his dirty blond floppy hair.

"Even if I made up with Sadie, there is no way in heck I'd let you have that chance of hurting her as badly as you hurt me. Sadie is a good person she deserves better then you."

He looked stunned like I had slapped him. And I guess what I said could have been considered mean, but I didn't care. It was the truth.

He looked down at the ground, " maybe so. But right now she needs you Hope. Out of you, Sandra and Della, you are the one she feels closest to. She is going through a tough time just like you were when we broke up. The only difference is  she was there for you the whole time while you've been ignoring her for a while now. Believe me or not. I care about her but she doesn't need me she needs you. Her best friend."

Wow. Now that was something. But before I could get all hung up on how smart Blake had gotten since our break up. He was right. Sadie needed me.

                     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later on

  I stood outside of Sadie's dark brown house. I didn't know if she was home. I didn't call or text Sadie before kicking Blake out of my house, and heading over here. I didn't really think about it till now.

As I walked up the cement steps to the red door of Sadie's house, I didn't feel angry anymore. Not angry at Blake or Sadie or anyone for that matter. All I wanted right then and there was to talk to Sadie.

As I neared the door I suddenly heard yelling increasing in volume  with each step I took forward. There was slamming of doors maybe. And as I raised my hand to knock on the front door it swung open, revealing a very disheveled looking Mrs. Sanchez.

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