chapter xi ━ let me live

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ocean eyes . . . chapter eleven !
let me live !



from dj ❤️

from dj ❤️

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from jae ❣️

from jae ❣️

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dj ❤️
| what's poppin' b
| wow i spend too much time w mattie but whatever

jae ❣️
| lol i'm hangin with jack and wyatt

dj ❤️
| coolio tell my bbs i said hey

| they said hi as well
| and jack wants to know if mattie is with you

dj ❤️
| she's not atm unfortunately !

jae ❣️
| he's highly disappointed

dj ❤️
| as am i, my dude
| anyways,,,

jae ❣️
| how's your day going ?

dj ❤️
| good, really uneventful and unproductive but when is it not

𝗢𝗖𝗘𝗔𝗡 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦,   jaeden lieberher.  ✓Where stories live. Discover now