Chapter 2

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Penny Sivertson and Derek Wise were both seventeen when Penny fell pregnant with their first child. Miss Siverston wanted to be a nurse when she was older and Mr. Wise was a future fireman. They faced months of lectures from both sets of parents before their unborn child was finally accepted. They began living together at Derek's house at six months in, and were having trouble with the non-stop snickers and torturous comments.
Penny began to have breakdowns at school.
Penny began to only attend 3/4 of the day, then only half of the day.
It eventually progressed to absences. It seemed better, even the doctor agreed. She had a home tutor, and even then her intellect remained intact.
Penny gave birth to a bundle of joy not too long after her seventh month mark.
"Even when he was the most premature baby the hospital had ever seen, he had the biggest smile when he was born. You could see his happy gums from a mile away," Penny reminisced. Her baby boy didn't even have a name for the first few months of his life, penny and Derek couldn't decide.
"Derek Jr.?"
"No. Ryder?"
And in that instant a nurse came in singing a song. She was singing Baby by Carla Thomas.
"Excuse me miss, what's your name," Derek asked the nurse.
"Alex," she said it with that giant smile, the brightest teeth, the most cheerful tune.
"Alex?" When penny said that, her smiley baby boy giggled.

"Wow, so Alex is like your little miracle," I said to Mrs. Wise.
It was a Thursday night, and I was meeting Alex's parents for the first time. Their home was lovely. Family pictures scattered across every wall. Beautiful paintings and lots of windows complimented.
"He is a miracle, that's why I only had one. I don't ask for more than I need." She said as she toyed with her green beans. An obvious allusion to where Alex got his eating habits from.
"The doctors had told us that he might not make it through his first night, and here we are. Our son is 17 years old and bringing home his first girlfriend," Mr. Wise seemed so excited.
I blushed and smiled at Alex. The aura of this household was like who Alex was. It was warm and inviting, colorful and calm, beautiful.
It almost seemed fake, like those TV households with the perfect families. The mother who served platters for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the father a successful businessman. I felt so secure. So happy.
I also felt something else.
A warm feeling deep inside my chest. I loved Alex.
I know we were young and it was soon but it was my honest feelings. We spent the rest of that night playing video games and munching on desserts Mrs. Wise served. I couldn't have described a more perfect night to live in. I never wanted it to end. He made the world so beautiful, and his little home even more so.

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