Chapter 15 - Next Day

Start from the beginning

"Fine, you can have some," Joel said. Adam mimed yes at me, and opened a cupboard to get out three plates, then some cutlery.

"Would you like a drink, Ellie?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, please. Do you have coffee?" Adam laughed.

"Do we have coffee? Joel lives in this house; yes, we have coffee."

"Okay," I said laughing. Adam was so easy to get on with, I almost forgot I was just standing there in an oversized shirt.

"Latté okay?"

"Yeah, thanks," I replied.

Joel brought over a plate with delicious-looking crispy strips of bacon and scrambled egg.

"That looks amazing," I said, breathing in deeply.

"Thank you very much," he said, "Help yourself." I took a plate and took two pieces of bacon and some egg. Adam passed me a steaming mug of coffee. This was a perfect breakfast.

"Shall we go through to the living room?" Joel asked, after he'd got some breakfast himself.

"Sure!" Adam said. Joel gave him a look. "Oh, right. Not me." I smiled apologetically at Adam.

I heard the kitchen door open, and I turned round to see who it was. Ryan.

"Morning!" he said brightly. Then his gaze fell on me. I shuffled my feet uncomfortably.

"Ah. Hi," he said.

"Hello," I said quietly.

"So you stayed the night then."

"Shut up, Ryan. C'mon, let's go," Joel said, leading me into the lounge. I sighed; why did Ryan still not like me?

"Nice shirt, by the way," Ryan called after us. I saw Joel roll his eyes in frustration.

We sat down side my side on the sofa. I tucked my legs up and balanced the plate on my knees.

"Joel, you are seriously a good cook," I said with a mouth full of food.

"I try," he said, "So, what do you want to do today?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. But I know what you need to do," I said, nudging him.

"Wha-, oh." Joel jerked his head in Ryan's direction.

"Yeah," I said, "Why doesn't he like me?" Joel sighed.

"He doesn't not like you," Joel said, "he doesn't like me spending time with you over the band. We've got so close, and with tour coming up..."

"Well if it makes it easier, I can go," I offered.

"Don't be silly," he said shaking his head, "Besides, if you are coming on tour with us, you'll have to get to know us all better anyway."

"If you say so," I said picking at my food.

"I do," Joel said. He grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. Jeremy Kyle was on. I groaned.

"What? You don't like it?" I just shook my head.

"It's great. Who have they got on this week... Yesss! Some crackhead mother who's accused her boyfriend... No, ex-boyfriend, of... Sleeping with her mother? Gross," Joel said to the TV screen.

"Why do you like this?" I muttered, amused. Joel didn't hear me. He was hunched forwards, staring intently at the screen.

"Bullshit! Look at him! Who does that?" He shook his head, disgusted. Then Andy sauntered in.

"Morning... Ooh, Jeremy Kyle." He sat down and leant forward like Joel. I watched them, struggling not to laugh. I got up and took Joel's plate to take through to the kitchen. He just handed it to me without taking his eyes off the TV.

I walked into the kitchen feeling nervous about Ryan, but luckily Adam was there to ease the tension. The two of them were discussing lighting, presumably about their tour.

"I reckon two white lights flashing for the drum beats on Make It Happen," Adam was saying.

"Yeah but that's boring. What about purple?" Ryan said. I stood by the sink rinsing the plates.

"I dunno... What do you think, Ellie?" Adam asked. I turned round, surprised.


"That's your name, isn't it?" Adam said.

"Yeah, sorry. Um, I haven't heard the song..." I said lamely.

"Good point," Adam said. Ryan said nothing. I turned my back in them and disposed of the plates in the dishwasher. The other two continued their conversation.

I stalked back into the lounge to find Joel and Andy yelling at the TV.

"Of course he's not the father!" Andy shouted.

"For fuck's sake, look at him. As if he'd manage to sleep with anyone," Joel said.

"I know mate," Andy said, "but look at his girlfriend. She's not exactly a looker."

"Ex-girlfriend," Joel corrected.

I sat down on the sofa close to Joel, and rested my head in his shoulder, watching the TV with him. He craned his neck to kiss my forehead.

"Sorry. Morning routine," he said, gesturing to the TV.

"Jeremy Kyle or TV in general?" I asked, bemused.

"Er, both."

"Okay," I laughed, and carried on watching the crappy programme snuggled against Joel.

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