Chapter 1 - I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

Im in a bed that doesn't belong to me. Then I looked more closely at my surrounding and realised that im in my parent's room?

I quickly got up and went for the door. Locked, damn. Then I saw the window and the idea came up to jump out the window.

I went over to the window, opened it and jumped. Thank god the rooms on the first floor.

I quickly walked to the back of the house and opened the door, looking around that the coast is clear and walking inside, closing the door behind me.

When I walked in I saw my dad passed out on the couch and blood stains on the carpet near where he hit me.

I was now trying to get over the fact that he hit me again, after he said he had changed. I quickly ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

I quickly changed into long blue skinny jeans, a black tank top with a pink jumper and a pair of black and pink vans. I always had to wear longer clothing and hoddies so nobody could see my bruises and the scars from where I used to cut. (past tense guiiisee)

After I had got changed I ran downstairs and quickly walked out the door and down the street while I pulled my hood up.

"Another day of wagging, another day of torture, another day with no love..." I quietly said and I walked down the alley way which Harry, Louis & Zayn had beat me in yesterday.


"Ohh I'm uhh... sorry" I said nervously as I turned to face the guy that I walked into and notice there was two guys.

"Ohh its okay... It was kinda my fault" he said as he slightly smiled.

I turned to face them and noticed they look slightly familiar. The guy I had walked into had bleached blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and the guy next to him had brown hair that was pushed to the side and brown eyes.

"Umm... well im Liam and this is Niall" The boy with the brown hair said as he turned to me and held out his hand.

"Kate, Kate Browne" I said as I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you Kate... So what are you doing walking down this alley by yourself? How old are you, aren't you meant to be at school?" Liam spoke as he looked at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Uhh... Well... Im walking here alone because I don't have anyone else to walk with, Im 17 and yes im meant to be at school" I replied.

"How could you not have anyone else to walk with? And... Why aren't you at school?" He asked with curiosity written all over his face.

"Well I simply have nobody to walk with because nobody likes me and that's also half the reason why im not at school" I said with a blank expression on my face.

Liam looked around and nodded at Niall.

"Lets go inside" Liam said as he ushered us towards a back entrance at the back of a hotel.

Niall's POV

"Ok well now that were out of the alley... Why don't people like you?" I asked as I looked over at Kate. She looked upset.

"You can tell us Kate, were not going to tell anyone if you don't want us too and we just want a friend I guess" Liam said as he walked to the couch, sitting on it and patting the seat next to him for her to sit.

"Ok... I will tell you, but first, I have seen you somewhere. Have I met you two before?" Kate asked genuinely confused. Liam walked out of the room and came back with a piece of paper which was rolled up and threw it at her.

At first she looked confused until she opened it. Her whole face lit up when she looked at it. "Oh my god you're Niall Horan and Liam Payne. I feel so stupid. I can't believe I didn't notice!" She said as she started laughing.

Liam and I were in hysterics by then. Liam grabbed at her wrist to pull her closer for a side hugged her as she continued to giggle.

She flinched at first but then gave in but I couldn't help but notice the pain on her face. "What's wrong? Ohh don't you like being touched?" I asked panicking.

"What no it's alright" she spoke blankly.

"I did this im so sorry!" Liam said as he panicked. "NO! It's okay it's not that I hate being touched or anything it's just..." She said looking into space.

"It's just what?" Liam asked staring right at her. "Nothing" It was barely a whisper I suddenly got up and went over to her, rolling the sleeves of her hoodie up, guessing that she cut's herself or something.

The sight that I saw was not what I expected and completely shocked Liam and I.

Link to Kate's outfit in the external links! --->

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