CHAPTER III. PART I. - A Criminal's Present

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Photo (CH 1):  A Photoshopped photo of Alana Dellour, a famous actress from the United States, stayed in the United Kingdom because of her boyfriend who is an Englishman; and Jake Wood, 18. It was the photo which triggered the whole world.
(CH 2): The clues that TheDabPolice had to decipher.
Find out more in the following paragraphs and chapters.

A woman, beautiful and tall walked over to her photographer. "Take the most beautiful picture to be shown to the world!" Said she. The photographer nodded and prepared his camera. He shot some pictures of her— it took him minutes and hours. The photoshoot was done, and the woman came to look at the final pictures.

"Beautiful, everyone would adore me if they see this elegant picture of me!" She pays for the pictures and told them to post it online, and she left.

"Mr. Carter, send this to an editor... let's give the pictures a few touches— oh how Ms. Alana Eleanor would love it! She'll pay us extra!" The man said to Mr. Jamie Carter; Mr. Carter nodded and went to his computer. He sent the pictures to the greatest editors ever found in England. A smile crept Mr. Carter's face as he went away from the computer.


"Brother!" A teenage boy called a man who looked as if he was 12 years older than him; "Brother! You told me on my birthday— which is today... that you would let me have a picture with the hottest woman in America!"

"Who? Alana Eleanor?"

"Yeah, her! You promised me!"

"Alright, alright. But I'm afraid I might not have a ticket to the United Kingdom."

"Wha- why not?"

"I'm sorry, little brother. I gave all my savings to our mother."

"But brother what about—"

"I'll find a way. I promise."

"You always promise!" The boy cried, and he left his brother. His brother felt hurt, he must have to find a way— fast.

Little did the 18-year old boy know that his brother was a hacker. Even though it was illegal, he had no choice— it was his brother's birthday after all. His brother went into his computer and hacked a computer leading to Alana's pictures. He took the pictures and placed a virus on the source, he put the picture of a beautiful lady on photoshop and edited a picture of his 18-year old brother next to her.

The picture of the boy was him dabbing next to Alana. He clicked save and posted the photo on Facebook— tagging his lil' brother. "Finally" he said, satisfied; and went on his way to get his little brother to see it.


It was one stressful Tuesday morning, well for me it was stressful. I woke up from the sounds of shouting and stomping of the boys downstairs as they watch TV series with Jemma. Well those romantic TV series, Jemma likes. I feel like they just watched it with her because they're waiting for their show to start. I heard their argument as I slowly walk down the stairs, still sleepy from my slumber.

"Oh gosh, girl!" Shouted Justin, disappointedly. "You should've chose the other guy! He loves you more than the guy you love!"

"You don't understand, Justin!" Argued Jemma. "She loves that guy and he loves her back! The other guy just wanted her because she's famous! True love wins first!"

TheDabPolice [DanTDM Fanfiction] (#Wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now