Chapter 40

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"So, who is this Mary person?" 

Grace drove the car while Kol sat casually in the passenger seat. They hadn't talked much until this awkward silence drove Grace nuts. She felt uncomfortable with Kol, she didn't really know why. All she knew was that he was an irresponsible brat and kind of the outcast of the family, but usually it was something she could handle. Maybe she simply didn't like him that much. 

"She was kind of the groupie when she was human. It was a time where Nik and I got along pretty well. Mary practically jumped between us, sometimes we even shared her. But basically she was food." 

Wrinkling her nose in disgust, she spared a glance at Kol. Sometimes they were just so screwed up, it was nearly funny. But living a thousand years could get boring, she had to admit. No wonder that it could let someone drive insane. 


She murmured and kept her eyes on the street. The Original beside her chuckled. 

"Don't you think Nik would go straight for your little boobs if you'd let him?" 

Her eyes widened and she had to keep herself from hitting the breaks in shock. 

"No, he wouldn't. He's my friend and he knows that for it'll always be Elijah. By the way, friendship between men and women is possible." 

Shaking her head, she got her shaking hands under control. He surely knew how to push buttons. 

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." 

She rolled her eyes annoyed. 

"Whatever. Well, what are we going to do when we reach her house? I'm honestly surprised that you know where she is." 

Kol gave her that smart ass look. 

"Found myself a witch. What we're going to do is kill her. She was sired by Klaus, I know this for sure. We can't have that they find out, or they'll try to kill us all." 

Sighing, she came to a halt in front of a diner. They needed to eat something. 

"Remind me, why we aren't simply ripping the Salvatores hearts out?" 

"Because we still need them, darling." 

Unfortunately, it was true. They always had this talent of weakling themselves into the Mikaelson's forced favor because they had information, white oak stakes, or a certain doppelgänger. 

"By the way, I could need something stronger than a donut." 

He said, looking at the small restaurant dismissing. She chuckled and got out of the car and he followed. 

"That's exactly why we're here. Not many people, easy to compel, quick to leave. Just don't kill anyone." 

Grace gave him a serious glare, she had no clue yet how much of a maniac he really was. 

"As you wish." 

He bowed down low playfully to annoy her. Rolling her eyes, she went inside and quickly checked that only five guests, one waitress and probably a cook were here. A perfect situation, just like Elijah and her practiced. 

But of course wouldn't bother being careful. Within a minute he had created a bloodbath. A young girl was draped over his lap while he compelled the two men that were in the restaurant to either hold a girl. The waitress was serving him beer with that dazed expression of compulsion. Grace stood by and watched. It had all went so fast. One second she thought she was in charge and could handle the mischievous Original and now blood was slowly dripping from the girl's necks to the floor, driving her hunger insane. 

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