Author's Notes

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Author's Notes

Kyaa! I finished... I finished?! Impossibru!

Yeah right here we go again with my useless rants xD. It's my first time to write something that belongs to the 'Slice of Life' genre, so... this story isn't so good, in my opinion. First times, really. Anyhow let's get to it. This was inspired by the song from Tangled, I See The Light. I listened to it a thousand times back then, and so it pops in my head at a regular basis. Kinda relates because Alisa just watches from the windows, and Louis is living in a blur. Yieee... xD I sounded like a totes creep back there, huh.

Don't forget to re-read (I'm being selfish, excuse me xD but hey, this is the author's corner- my corner so I get to speak like this xD), vote, comment and share!

Till next time! Alisacchi is out!

Check out my other finished stories:

^for My Sister's Ex

^for Warming a Frozen Heart


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