To Realize The New Things A New Year Can Bring

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Chapter 14

To Realize The New Things A New Year Can Bring

As Christmas passed and the year neared its end, I realized the changes Alisa brought to me. If I hadn't met her, then I would still be the pessimist that hates people. I would still be mean, alone and disliked. Alisa's presence in my life was a vital part, too. She's the reason why I got to know my mistakes and realize the value of the littlest of things around me. Most of all, she taught me how to appreciate. If it wasn't for her, I would never have changed.

I was heading towards her room when I heard her singing voice. I inched closer and made out the lyrics carefully.

"All those days, watching from the windows... all those years, outside looking in..."

Is she singing 'I See The Light'?

"All that time, never even knowing... just how blind I've been..."

I leaned against the door and listened quietly. I didn't knock because I didn't want to interrupt her, and I wanted to hear more. The fact that her voice was soothing strengthened my reason.

"Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight... now I'm here, suddenly I see. Standing here, it's oh so clear... I'm where I meant to be..."

I realized that the song suited her and her desire for freedom so much. "And at last I see the light... and it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light... and it's like the sky is new... and it's warm and real and bright... and the world has somehow shifted..."

I'm seriously not the singer type, but I sing once in a while so I can get recruited for the school's band. I took a deep breath and quietly followed her lead. "All at once, everything looks different... now that I see you..."

Her voice stopped for a while, probably because she heard my voice. It then dawned on me that it was my turn to sing. "Louis?" she called through the door. "Are you there?"

I sighed. "You heard me, right? That's enough proof to declare that I'm here singing with you. Be privileged."

I heard her chuckle and say, "It's your part of the song." Leaning all my weight to the door, I cleared my throat before continuing. "All those days, chasing down a daydream... all those years... living in a blur. All that time, never truly seeing... things, the way they were."

A giggle floated through the door. "You sound nice."

"Like I said, be privileged," I retorted.

"Go on. Your voice is really cool."

"Now she's here, shining in the starlight... now she's here, suddenly I know. If she's here, it's crystal clear... I'm where I meant to go..."

With a happy sigh, she sang with me. "And at last I see the light..."

"And it's like the fog has lifted... and at last I see the light..."

"And it's like the sky is new..."

"And it's warm and real and bright... and the world has somehow shifted... all at once, everything is different... now that I see you..."

There was a creak, then some footsteps. Before I knew it, the door swung in and Alisa tapped her index finger on my chest. She sang, "Now that I... see... you..." She giggled girlishly and leaned on the door herself. "Why in the world are you out here, Louis?"

"I was about to go inside," I answered. "But I didn't want to interrupt you."

She put both of her hands on my shoulders and shook me excitedly. "I didn't know that you could sing! Seriously, Louis! How many secrets are you keeping away from me? Life's too short to keep secrets, you know!"

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