Hold Yer Hands Up, O' I'll Pull the Trigger!

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Ethan Collier (KOHL-ee-ay), a Milwaukee Police Department chief of detectives working in the Homicide, Suicide, Juvenile Delinquency and Rookie Squads, tells Detective Throckmorton in a baritone voice, "Let me decide who will be shadow busted for life. Frank Braddock, Jr.s has been capturing master pickpocket Justin Palmer through the past 3 years of Palmer's life both as the professional stand-up comedian and magician and as a full-time daily pickpocket grabbing lots of possessions from the pockets of various suspects shopping, dining and travel all over the globe in search of controversial treasure.

 "Once you have complete these investigations, you, Katheryn, Agent Woodward, Sgt. Harry, Professor Watson, Commissioner Tapp, Lt. Link, Rodney the Shadow Busting Magician and what remains of the Shadow Busters law enforcement, supernatural and unexplained phenomena investigators, fact checkers and adventurers will track down Justin Palmer, Frank, Jr. and other pickpockets and professional racketeers and shadow buster the conspiracies affecting all of the victims across this land of their - especially Wisconsin!"

"Whatever you say," explains Detective Throckmorton, "the best way to trap Justin Palmer is to go after him and Frank Braddock, Jr., and remind my fellow Shadow Busters members to bust a shadow lurking inside Frank, Jr. himself."

 "Is this a quiz?" Milwaukee Police Department Chief of Detectives Collier asks.

"The answer is no, no and... duh!" Detective Throckmorton reacts.

"Better yet," Chief of Detectives Collier points out, "no matter what Justin does, you, Shadow Buster Throck, will go after Frank, Jr. and his crack team of pickpockets searching for the wrong guy."

"Enough said," says Detective Throckmorton.

"However, as I say it, Agent Woodward is figuring out which pickpocket becomes a victim of the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy - and whether he or she captures the best man for a conviction.

"You know what the Shadow Busters will be thinking."

Detective Throckmorton then walks up to Agent Holloway, who is currently working with the United States Secret Service as fellow Shadow Busters Foundation members Commissioner Tapp, Katheryn, Rodney the Shadow Busting Magician, Lt. Link, Sgt. Harry and Professor Watson identify the unusual suspicious goons, larcenists and bunco swindlers going after the dueling pickpockets and magicians.

"Pickpocketing is a dangerous business and my aim is to solve the case," debates Agent Holloway.

"All of you Shadow Busters Foundation colleagues know there is a way out of Justin's reach.

"At the same time, the Milwaukee P.D. is tracking these professional magician/pickpocket hybrids identified as a means of supernatural law enforcement... I guarantee the case to be closed... for now."

In the words of Broderick "Shadow Buster" Throckmorton: "Ready... aim... BUST!"

Detective Throckmorton then shoots Agent Holloway with his .100 caliber semi-automatic revolver shadow buster gun 8 times; and he and the remainder of the Shadow Busters team race out of the precinct, return to the Shadow Mobile, and begin touring the City of Milwaukee.

"Buckle up! Get ready to shadow bust!" Detective Throckmorton tells the Shadow Busters.

While driving the Shadow Mobile, Shadow Buster Throck takes the Shadow Busters Foundation teammates to Racine, the home of venerable home-care products manufacturing company S.C. Johnson & Son, Incorporated and begins his investigation into an alleged executive.

"Here is the company that the Johnson family has built for more than 130-+ years," says Detective Throckmorton.

"That's a legendary historic place," Agent Dean chants with glee.

"Now let's see what Shadow Buster Throck and all of you are up to this shadow-busting law-enforcement challenge!" 

"Hee!" Detective Throckmorton laughs.

Later, the Shadow Busters Foundation's crack team of enforcers and parapsychologists walks toward the S.C. Johnson headquarters facility, known as "Waxdale," and begins another case.

This time, the Shadow Busters debunk the mystery of Don MacKenzie, an S.C. Johnson chief innovation officer searching for clues to his pickpocketing intervention.

"I want you to meet Donald Everett MacKenzie, a 20-year S.C.J. veteran," Detective Throckmorton introduces the Shadow Busters to this two-armed pickpocketing suspect.

"Not only does he researches the active ingredients that go into the manufacture of their home-care products; however, he picks the varied items from other S.C. Johnson employees, having stealing more secrets than everyone else in corporate America!"

"Not quite, exactly," shills Katheryn.

"To demonstrate the case, Don is carrying 40 boxes of an unbranded household cleaning product known as "QuleenSweepr," a multi-purpose multi-surface aerosol cleaner containing the active ingredient 'Mentholcastichloride,'" Detective Throckmorton demonstrates.

"What is QuleenSweepr, anyway?" asks Agent Dean.

"To me, Agent Woodward, QuleenSweepr gets an entire home, condominium or commercial building clean as the Cascade Mountains!" answers Shadow Buster Throck.

A few minutes later, Don calls Detective Throckmorton by smartphone, telling the Shadow Busters to search for him.

"I dare you to hunt me down and grab my BMO Harris preferred MasterCard check card right outta the pocket and run away!" Don grunts.

While the Shadow Busters go after Donald E. MacKenzie, Katheryn and Fisk Johnson, the head of S.C. Johnson & Son, discuss Don MacKenzie's involvement in the swindle.

"There's a phrase coined by Detective Throckmorton himself: 'Picksweeping,'" Katheryn says.

"I guessed so," Fisk responds.

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