Chapter 29: Moving On for Dummies (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Giving her a side hug, I snuggled my forehead against her shoulder. "Morning, mom!" I greeted, sounding too chirpy.

Mom hugged me back, smiling slyly. "Why is my dear grumpy daughter smiling like she dreamed of rainbows and unicorns today?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did something happen lately that I have yet to know about?"

Unfortunately, yes mom. Something did happen.

"Nope," I replied. "Guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed today."

STEP 3: Working on the facade 

Glancing at the clock, I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket before kissing mom on the side of her head. 

"Bye, mom. Have a good day!" I rushed out the kitchen.

"Bye, sweetie!" came a chuckling reply. 


"For someone who was stuck in the middle of nowhere just yesterday, you look very chirpy this morning. Oh and by the way, you still owe me an explanation. So what gives? Did I miss something?" Hayley asked, watching me happily organizing the stuff in my locker. 

I smiled back at her innocently. "Uh, nothing?" I replied, my voice sounding more like I was asking a question. 

Before Hayley could make any suspicions, I racked my mind for something to say. "I like your outfit today. That blouse is so cute."

Hayley gaped at my comment. "W-who are you and w-what have you done with my best friend?"

I faked a convincing laugh. "Hayley, it's just me."

"Uh, hello?" Hayley raised an eyebrow. "You complimented my outfit - which happens to be a chic blouse and floral pants. You hate wearing heels. Aand, you said my blouse was cute! Are you for real right now? Cause my blouse it PINK! PINK, Lex! You despise pink!"

"You done now?" I giggled at my best friend's little rant. "Maybe I've had a change of heart," I replied.

"Very unlikely. Now stop changing the subject. What happened to you yesterday?"

I sighed. "I promise I'm okay. I'll tell you when I'm ready." 


For the rest of the morning, I stayed quiet in most of my classes. I entered my English Lit. room and made my way to my designated chair. Not to my surprise, the classroom was half empty. 

I took the seat at the back row near the window. Plugging my earphones on, I blocked out the sound of students filling the room. Excited, I tapped on the first video on my YouTube feed.

"I didn't take you for the Keeping Up with the Kardashians type."

Startled, I spun around in my seat. Chase was resting his chin on my seat's backrest, smirking. Even in my startled state, I didn't miss the fact that he was acting normally around me. I stared at Chase, trying to see past the guard he built up. I stared at his eyes - which were no doubt hiding something.

You can't fool me Hunter Chase.

I smiled back at Chase (excuse my incoming momentary 'fakeness'). "Yeah," I replied, making sure to sound ecstatic. "I mean, I watch episodes in your house whenever I babysit and forget to bring a book, right?" 

If Chase was surprised with my unusual reaction, I wouldn't know. Something flashed in his eyes as fast as a nanosecond.

"Yeah, I remember," Chase replied, nodding. "There was that one night though. You were so adorable, reading your book." Flicking my nose lightly, he grinned from ear to ear when I scrunched my nose up. 

Pouting, I swatted Chase's hand away from my face. "I wasn't cute."

"You were and still are," Chase winked and leaned back on his seat to avoid the damage my fingernails could do to his face. 

I shook my head and set my focus back on Kylie showing me around her new estate. I was watching her video with Vogue. Not even five minutes later, I felt my chair slightly move. Ignoring it, I continued watching videos in peace. 




"What do you want, Chase?" I spun around aggravated. 

To my surprise, Chase's smirk faltered. His adam's apple bobbed every time he swallowed. Lifting his right hand, he stroked his chocolate brown locks backwards. 

Is it just me or is Hunter Chase suddenly nervous?

I raised an eyebrow impatiently, making Chase move slightly on his seat. Clearly, this guy was very uncomfortable with something. 

"Lexi, about last night..."

My heart stopped. No freaking way. No. No. No. Just no. Nah -uh. Nada. I cannot have this conversation right now. I'm just emotionally unstable and I'm on the process of trying to move on. I prefered him pretending like last night didn't happen.

Change to topic, Alex. 

"There's nothing to talk about, Chase." The fake smile I had managed to plaster on my face all day must've been clawed away because the look in Chase's eyes were now worse. They went from extremely nervous to desperation. 

"Lexi, please. I just want to -"

"Explain? But there's nothing to explain, Chase," I bit back a bitter laugh. Instead, I displayed a bitter smile. 


"Drop it, Chase."


"I don't wanna hear it."

"Would you just please shut your pretty little mouth for a sec, princess?" 

And I did. I shut my mouth. But not because Chase told me to. But because he called my mouth pretty and called me princess in one sentence. Granted, it was a frustrating sentence but nonetheless, it made the butterflies in my stomach flutter wildly. 

"I'm sorry." Shakily, Chase leaned forward and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears. "I'm sorry for kissing you last night even if I knew that we weren't quite there yet. I rushed things. I messed up and I panicked. I'm sorry."

But that's just it Chase! For some reason, I wanted you to kiss me so badly and when you did, my mind exploded. But when you told me you regretted it right after, my heart exploded next. 

"There's no need to say sorry, Chase," I replied, smiling halfheartedly. "Like I said, there's nothing to talk about." 

With that said, I spun around on my seat just as Ms Holmes (did I mention she was my teacher for both Drama and English Lit.?) entered the room looking completely flustered. 

Guess I'm not the only one having a bad day then. 

What do you think of Chase and Alex's relationship so far? Comment away guys!

Lots of love,
- JD2612 

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